Is it majority to skip a time of year?

is it normal to skip a period?
i know that i'm not pregnant.

Vagina leak adjectives the time?

If you are still greatly young (11-16) - most probably you are still on development term. Sometimes young girls have difficult spell from first menstruation up to fully developed regular menstrual cycles. It will take some time to fully develop your mature regular menstrual cycle. Please be also informed that within general menstrual cycles are very sensitive to stress, intense situations, infections, medication, etc.
Just be patient. Usually by 18-20 year the menstrual cycle will be fully development, your hormones will develop your own (personal) cycle and your menstrual cycle will be regular.
If you are elder than 18-20 - one missed period is OK but few missed periods would stipulation doctor consultation.
In both cases you need to
Be Healthy and Happy!

Period q...?

It is slightly normal to skip a period. You are still young at heart and your body hasn't settled into its rhythm yet. However, even older women can enjoy irregular menstrual cycles. Sometimes things like BMI or stress can affect your system.

BUT: if you have be having sex, you might want to do an EPT (early pregnancy test) just to be sure. Better to find out precipitate if that is actually the impose of your skipped period.

Is it ok if I took one of my birth control pills a couple of hours after when I usually pinch it?

Depending on how old you are and what your BMI is, yes, skipping your spell can be perfectly normal.

If you've be getting your period for less than 5 years, if you hold a BMI of less than 20 or over 35, or if you are old plenty to possibly be pre-menopausal, then its normal.

If you don't fit within that category, you might want to ask your doctor about it.

I own a birth control cross-question merely girls please?

Yes many women skip a length every now and again. It is just approaching you body is giving it self a spring cleaning or that is how I look at it.

Irregular spell?

It is possible for that to happen. If you know you are not within risk of being pregnant and it happens again jump to a doctor and get checked.




Sexually active?

If you are sexually influential you CAN be pregnant.

Plenty of reasons you could skip a period.

Unprotected sex a bit more than 10 days ago. around 13 i ruminate. spotting brown blood concluding two days.?

It is especially normal..

Lots of headache,??

Its not normal but it can occur

So disgusting!(guyz and gurlz answer plz)?


Vaginal fluids does anyone know ?

yes ma'am

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How do you know if you hold a UTI?
Girls onlyyy!?
What is sex?
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