Is it a yeast infection?

It started this vagina is really itchy and it burns and their are little bumps near my clitoris and it feels similar to my clitoris is on fire...I'm in greatly of pain and I've had yeast infections within the past...I'm more prone to them because I'm diabetic..please someone help me! Thanks!

Answers:    It could be only a yeast infection, but if you've had yeast infections in yesteryear and you think this is different, you need to run see your doctor.

The bumps are what makes me think it's something else. If you can use a mirror, or enjoy someone else look at them.
If they they look like blisters, it could be the herpes simplex virus.
It can be very uncomfortable and you can catch it pretty easy.--And you don't basically catch it from sleeping around. I caught the virus just from a cold sore on my husbands mouth. More symptoms of a herpes breakout include wager on pain, and swelling of glands around groin area. They can grant you a prescription that makes it go away surrounded by about 10 days.

Please go see your doctor, though. None of us are going to be capable of tell you just what it is for sure. There's no want for you to be in pain! Good luck! Hope this help a litte!.
Sounds like it, the yeast infection can be internal and extend to the area around your vagina. Just budge to the store and get the over the counter stuff. I believe Monistat makes a vaginal suppository that comes near a cream that you can apply externally. You insert the suppositories at bedtime (so you will be lying down and they won't slide out when you stand) then apply the cream whenever you want.

Since you are prone to these infections, you can ask your doctor for a diflucan 150mg tablet to keep on mitt. This is a one time pill that should clear up your infection in a day or so. You should save some cream on hand for the external stuff. It'll save you alot of aggravation surrounded by the future..
Sounds like an allergic criticism to something.

Something similar happened to me a few months ago. I was wearing underwear that's a few years frail. I think the elastic be growing old and turning into a different substance but everywhere the elastic touched my skin it moved out a nasty rash that itched something appalling. I thought it was a yeast infection but the medicine for that just burned worse. I tried Benadryl cream and that helped it a lot.

For you I would vote shower and take antihistamine medicine..
Well as you probably know the just remedy is the good old doc...yes you own to go see somebody, only they will know for sure. You might own a real bad baggage of a yest infection...I had one where I could scarcely walk, literally. But the bumbs could also be a sign of herpes and HPV, which is fairly adjectives (not to freak you out)...Either way, go see a doc because if you don't know what charitable of meds to get and you have to continue it out it won't be fun, trust me. Yes this could be a yeast infection, if you are prone to them then just draw from an otc med.

Do you have maybe a UTI? or (not to be mean) and STD? Or vaginitis?

If your symptoms are different than what they usually are when you acquire a yeast infection i would go see your Dr. just to be on the protected side..
Could be. My mom is a diabetic, and I know what you mean about one prone to this kind of thing. Just when she is over one, another comes along.

If you do a treatment next to Monostat or Canesten, and you don't see an improvement within a light of day, you should really see your doctor.

Take Care.
Eww... I'd go to the doctor!


This website should help.
Click on womanly, then the vagina, and then merely click onto your symptoms. They might be wrong, so go to the doctor too!

Sounds like your contained by a lot of pain!

God Bless!.
I hold a friend who takes lots of baths and was advise by her doctor that this is also a cause of yeast infections.

The over the counter meds - canesten, monostat 7 work great and cost about $14.00.
There is something at the drug stores presently that can tell you if it is. Remember to see your doctor for proper medication. Use the Vagisil Screening Kit if you dont want to go to the doctor.
GO the doctor!

It could be a yeast infection.

Or an STD..
yea that does nouns like a yeast infection...better get some meds for it... Hi in attendance,

It's good to hear that you're aware of the diabetes - yeast infection link. As a nonspecific precaution I would suggest a supplement by the name of PGX it can do remarkable things for diabetics that I have witnessed firsthand working surrounded by a health food store.

On to what's important.

There are masses things you need to start doing and addressing if you are suffering from a yeast infection. To start, do the following:

1. Wear loose clothing and undergarments, oxygen kill yeast, going commando and wearing nothing down there first is even better.

2. Get some unsweetened yogurt and rub it onto a tampon, insert the tampon and do this continually until the yeast infection is gone.

3. Cut out any and all sugar, alcohol and yeast from your diet. All three will promote the infection further.

4. Start drinking cranberry juice, pure not from concentrate beside no added sugar, I know this goes against the no sugar thing but the bitter content in the cranberries will alter the PH balance of your vagina and impose the yeast to die off.

5. If you can tolerate it, use a raw garlic clove and apply it to the infection, this may burn so dilute it next to some olive or coconut oil, both of which can also help exterminate the yeast, especially the coconut.

6. You can also try taking some vitamin B3, many women find their infections resolve quicker when they are taking 300mg/per day.

7. Take a probiotic beside at least 50 billion live cells per pill, this is switch in redistributing devout bacteria throughout your body, and effectively end the yeast infection.

8. Lastly if adjectives else fails, begin adding up 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to a bath. Only fill the tub up glorious enough to submerge your genital area. Stay within the tub for 20-30 minutes at a time.

Hope this helps, the yogurt is the key really, by putting flawless bacteria directly on the area you will exterminate it quickly. Make sure it is unsweetened and ideally keep an eye out for a variability called Kefir which has even more beneficial germs in it to snuff out the infection.

When all is said and done I would suggest you research Candida and lug a test to determine if you are suffering from it, as anyone who gets yeast infections have Candida, it's just a matter of how desperate it is.

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