Is have sex a week after a girls time impossible? can it bring her preg??

My girl friend and i messed around a week after her period. i didn't wear a condom, but i always pulled out in the past i came. is there a unsystematic she could get pregnant? someone told me a girl is most fertile days before her length starts. can someone please help me!

Answers:    Having sex with a woman at any time short using a condom could result in a pregnancy. Many women have irregular menstrual cycles. Her probability of getting pregnant are definitely lessened though if she is not ovulating when you have sex..
Girls can bring pregnant ALWAYS, even while they are menstruating.
The only time they are infertile is before puberty and after menopause.

Also, even though you're pulling out, semen can still brand it's way into her through your pre-***. You might not feel yourself pre-cumming since it is outstandingly small amounts but it can still get her pregnant.

If you don't want a baby, wear a condom..
EVERY girls fertile time is different and is to complicated to Explain if you REALLY want to revise about a womans cycle and how to know when she can and can't get pregnant suggest you by a book call "Taking Charge of your fertility" it is one of the Best books i have ever read, it even tells some stuff around how mens bodies work!.and YES she could be pregnant. According to doctor charts, you get pregnant the 14th day after the FIRST morning of your last period. I am living proof, cuz I planned and sot for that sunshine, and then got pregnant. This is how they come up beside a woman's due date if she is pregnant.

Also...pre-ejaculation can get someone pregnant, so be careful, and polite luck!.
when you have sex even if you pull out your girl can still seize pregnant your girl can still get pregnant when you have sex your penis pre ejaculate some *** to get all the sour and stuff out of your penis so that it does not kill your sperm it is referred to pre *** look it up. duh she can get pregnant..
at hand is always a chance.. if she is have sex she should be on birth control.. wow.. seriously this is why there is so many pubescent girls with babies..
im 18 years old and i know better..

what are u going to do if she become pregnant? you need to think beforehand u act sex is a responsibility its not all purely fun and games.. im sexually active and i am n birth control and i MAKE my boyfriend use a condom still.. u dont understand
planned paternity has pretty much free birth control that u can get a years supply worth...
they also at the terminate give out condoms.. and lube.. u have no excuse..
a girl can get hold of prego wenever, u should have worn a rubber but wats done is done I would just suggest she take a test as soon as she can just to b safe and sound... But havin sex after a period is the least credible time for anything to happen but it can If I remember right, about a week and a partially is when the highest risk of pregnancy is there.

It pretty much go without saying but, other wear a condom. Even if you pull out, she can still get pregnant. .
i dnt presume so...i got pregnant 2weeks after.well perchance...i aint trying to scare yaa The 'fertile before period' article is true, but it doesn't mean you're in the clear. If you're disturbed and it hasn't been long, there's always the morning after pill. After that, buy some damn condoms..
you shouldn't be taking likelihood no matter what time of the month it is, and yes that would be the most likely time to seize pregnant

there are worse things that can happen excluding getting pregnant. .
usually 12-14 days from the start of the period are most fertile, but its possible to get pregnant at other times of the month (everyones cycles are different)..psyche suggest using condoms to be safer, or have her get on birth control.. its not fruitless health wise for her or you but she can attain pregnant. at least have her bring on birth control if you don't want to use a condom that way you don't have to verbs as much..
Even though a week after her period , there's still a chance you might've gotten her pregnant . ALWAYS USE CONDOMS ! You'll regret making her pregnant . foot not attention to her periods, a girl can ovulate ANYTIME during the month! And it could be different every month! If you're untrained to be a daddy, WEAR A CONDOM!!.
the girl IS most fertile days b4 her period...but thats not to say she cant still win prego after...
there is still a chance that she could be. even if you pulled out. It is possible for a woman to gain pregnant at any time as one does not truly know when she is ovulating..
I think so , but you have to know that the most fertile days since her period starts id the 14th . Yes, there's a fate, with pre-***. Wear a condom always or progress on the pill! Plus it's more fun than pulling out. .
nope, its just a better way of pregnanting a feminine. cause is the most fertile stage after that period "~"... the most risky time is newly before there spell so no..
it is not bad but i can get her pregnant sex= a prospect of being preg .
get her on birth control or wrap it up sh*t happen man

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