I want to skip my spell.?

I am about to start my period (I can quality it...my breasts get REALLY tender right before) but lately I have be having a period every 2.5 weeks and I honestly don't want to own my period again. I am so irregular because I didn't have a spell for a whole year because I didn't weigh enough and very soon I think my stress is causing my problem in a minute. Is there anything I can do or any over-the-counter pill I can take to skip/delay my term??


Period issues...mommies prefered?

Do NOT get the depo shot! NOT...I got that...have 3 shots (9 months worth), and it was pure hell while I was on it. Mood swings that rivaled ANY I'd have during my pregnancies ( I was angry all the time), Continuous bleeding (it didn't stop similar to it was supposed to after the second shot, or the THIRD) and after I discontinued it, it took 9 months to start having ordinary periods again, AND I gained 30 lbs within 2 WEEKS! It shot my thyroid all to hell. I went on the internet and did a turn out...turns out I wasn't the only one with Depo horror stories. There are support groups for nation who've suffered worse them me even! Do some research before you choose ANY birthcontrol to control your periods...esp. one that's as bright as depo. The pill has been around for 50 years or more...it's tried and true next to minimal side effects. Stick to what we know and trust!! Sorry...I just had to throw that within there after reading your responses. Just trying to save you some grief...

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The with the sole purpose thing you could do is use birth control.. That will make your period regular (come once per month) and shorter and lighter in duration. If you're on birth control and you want to skip your period than during the 7 daylight "break" (when your period normally comes) you simply verbs to the next pack and continue taking them (without the 7 daytime break). But I would suggest not skipping your period just because you don't perceive like having it.. Usually folks would pursue skipping it if they are going on a trip, for example. That's the only way that I know of to skip it.

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Well, nearby are a few things you can do.
1. depo shot. it's a birth control shot you get once every three months. you will miss your period entirely, but you may gain solidity.
2. regular birth control. take the pill everyday, and that will make your period regular. if you need to skip one (say you are on vacation and don't want it that month) you only skip the placebos and move right on to the next pack. this is perfectly ok, my doctor even recommended it to me!!

as for something over the counter, I don't deduce there is anything that is going to work.. sorry!! capably, I hope I helped

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birth contorl will regulate it form now on if you start taking on your subsequent period... and then you also enjoy the chance to skip it as well but for tthis subsequent eriod that is coming.,.. i dont know what to tell you

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Prob too belated for this round. Get on the pill if you want to control your period.

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