I tried to ask this ending nite.. but it wouldnt agree to me :(?

so yesterday.. i felt the need to pee constantly for like 4 hours after have sex. when i went to the bathroom.. only a little come out.. or nothing at all.
i didnt orgasm but i came completely close to several times.. could that be why it still felt like i had to pee for sooo long after??
thats never happen to me before.. so i was just wondering if its something i should be worried nearly or what?

Question nearly red stretch results?

Answers:    urethra was irritated either during sex or foreplay

Swollen and tender breasts?

Or you could have a bladder infection, one of the symptoms is which is a constant urge to urinate. If it continues, see a doctor.

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Any stomach-ache?

Is at hand any point of person...

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