I started getting the birth control shot surrounded by January...?

I have had a night light period ever since. Its not heavy plenty to wear a tampon, but not light enough to wear a pantyliner. Is this as a rule what happens? Do think it will stop after my 2nd shot? Thanks.

How commonly are you supposed to move pad?

Everybody is different. I be on the Depo for 9 months (3 shots) and bled the entire time. I had awful mood swings, and hated it!! I discontinued and wasn't majority again for nine months. Before you get your second shot I URGE you to take a look at these sites...and this is freshly the tip of the iceburg of what you'll find if you do your own research. Mine was a horror story too.I was insane while I be on it, angry all the time...bled constantly, had headache like you wouldn't believe, and after I discontinued it, I gained 30 lbs contained by 2 weeks. It shot my thyroid all to hell.I would highly recommend sticking to the tried and true bc pill...it's be around for decades and has minimal side effects. I learned the rock-hard way to not just blindly trust doctors...Please EDUCATE yourself previously your second shot.





A couple question just about the hymen.?

yes I had that too when I got the shot. it go away eventually. It's a common side effect called breakthrough bleeding. However, I do not recommend the shot as in that was research done that shows that there is irreversible bone density loss that can organize to long term effects. I stopped the shot after that but supposedly you can have it for two years and afterwards after two years, your chances of having bone issues after that on in life is tremendously common. Anyway, just do a bit search on depo provera and bone loss and you'll get lots of articles just about it.

But whatever birth control method you choose is up to you.

How long does it run for the side effects of Depo shot to start?

i took the shot for the first time on febuary 13 of this year i have have terrible mood swings i get angry for little things i hold had several fights near my husband for things that before i would normally purely talk it over i am trying my best to control my mood also i have gain 15 pounds so far and i surface terrible fat and unlikeable all my cloths does not fit in regard to bleeding i have had spotting on and past its sell-by date ever since i got the shot mostly spotting as i use a pantyliner and that seem to work newly fine about twice i have have a little more bleeding where i stipulation to use a pad for 4 or 5 days anyways i am really concern about the freight gain and the mood swings i am going to try the bc next month and see how that work my only concern is remembering to pilfer it i have a very doomed to failure memory and i am concern that could be a problem for me i have try the IUD the cobra one that they offer at planned motherliness but it did not work for me i had terrible discomfort as the day went by i be good in the morning but as the daytime progress i started feeling like if they be just inserting needles in my uterus and i could not hadle it have it remove after a month because everday was like this i am going to try the bc and see how it works for me i still own not found something that works good for me yet so i purely have to keep trying as i just went on contraceptive this year after i had my first babe in november of last year as i be never sexual active before i get married my advice is to keep trying diffrent stuff until you find what works for you at most minuscule that is what i have read.


I have the depro. I stopped bleeding straght away and never had a period for the 18 months I be on it.

light bleeding is a normal impulse to the two main contractpetions and quite recurrently peopel stop having periods altogether.

the shot is not evil, its like stuff as a pill, however you have to consider more things if you are going to wants kids.

I perceive really self concious of my stage?

i would assume specifically supposed to happen because its a shot, where the drug is flowing through your blood at all times, unlike the pill.

Please relief. I still touch guilty give or take a few my abortion four years ago.?

The shot is not healthy

I newly started taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo and own a quiz...?

It's suppose to,but who know.

I hate the depo.

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