I obligation a pap smear theory test?

I went to doctors about my grotesque painful periods, get asked alot of questions and got told I requirement a smear test. What do they do? Does it hurt?
Im 14 and kinda nervous

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They use a metal instrument call a speculum to spread open your vagina. Then they stick a swab inside you to get a token of the cells of your cervix. It will probably hurt a little since you are a virgin, depending on how big of a speculum they use (there are a continuum of sizes -- ask them to use the smallest one). During the exam, they will also stick two fingers in there and press down on your tummy with their fingers inside, to make sure everything feel like it should.

The most important point is that you stay relaxed. The more relaxed you can be, the less uncomfortable it will be. This is easier said than done, though.

And, I don't know why that creature said that you don't need one if you are a virgin. Your doctor probably has a apology for telling you to get one at your childlike age. Pap smears are to test mainly for cervical cancer/ precancerous lesion. Those can happen to any woman, regardless of sexual experience.

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If you are a virgin you do not need a pap so be sure to recount her whether you are or not.

It just tests you for STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HPV. It also checks to generate sure you don't have any yeast infections.

It doesn't really hurt, it is just pressure for a few second until it clicks, and then the doctor takes it out. It's literally 5 second...nothing too painful.

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If you are a virgin, you should not call for one at such an early age. If you are sexually active, you should hold one done. They check for STD's and cervical cancer. It isn't painful. It might be a little mortified, but only for a sec. Women get them adjectives the time, so don't worry about human being embarassed. The doctor has seen it adjectives before!!

Is it fruitless?

they just ask a million question about your family form history then they check your body for any mole abnormalities and check your breats.. consequently they stick a speculum in you isnt painfuk if you relax then they swab you next to a lil brish that looks like a chimmeny sweap and a q-tip! thats about it

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