I haven't started my spell nonetheless. I really muse i am soon. How will i no when i will catch it? and signs? back!

I am 12 and i have had discharge for a long time .

Answers:    I didn't start until I be fifteen. I know you want to start because you think you're missing out on something, but periods stink! Enjoy your time minus one. You'll too soon have to deal next to the bleeding ax wound. .
welcome to a world of hell. when you first get it dont expect to see red. it will be a disgusting color of browish red. it almost looks resembling your vagina craped itself. Sorry it sound so disgusting. and when it does happen give an account your mom. she will help you and find out eventually when she does your laundry. i had discharge for 2 years formerly i got mine. dont get your hopes up..and if you enjoy to ask "how will i know when i get it?" you apparently arent old satisfactory to have your period. if you dont know how you will know...consequently you dont know what a period is..
When you go to verbs yourself after you pee you will see something that looks like brownish discharge. Just remember don't be scared and don't sit and skulk because it will come when you least expect it!
Yeah, you will probably get your spell soon. It sounds like you are going to, since you've stated that you've had discharge for a long time. Just be prepared,and don't freak out. Good Luck. .
some signs that you might be getting your term are you might get moody ,emotional, hold abdominal pain (cramps)! hope this helps! well brought-up luck! :) You will know if you see anything redish or red brown. If you do be sure you tell your mom she will help you!

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