How to ask my mom to buy me some comdoms and birthcontrol

i'm 13 i'm off sex from now on (non virgin) but i want them JUST IN CASE shes already thought in the order of putting me on birth control but how do ask her to pick me up some at the store (we arent a close family btw)

Answers:    hey i thought u were pregnant, what happen liar!.
You really don't need to ask her. You don't enjoy to be a certain age to get condoms, you can buy them at your age, you can also procure them at a clinic, they usually have free condoms there. If you come up with your old enough to own sex, then your old plenty to buy your own condoms. If your embarrased by that, then your not ready for sex.

And nearly the birth control, you have to see a gynocolgist for that. I didn't go on birth control till I be 18..
Definately get the condoms yourself, get a friend to pick them up if you own no other way. If you aren't a close family, I'm worried give or take a few this starting conflict. I can't imagine what would happen if I asked my mom for condoms... fearsome thought. Tell her you want your periods to be more regular and you want to be on the pill.
There's always Planned Parenthood if you hold no other way to get what you obligation.
good luck and I'm glad you're concerned about human being safe like you are, greatly of 13 year olds aren't as smart as you.
Sounds like you believe you're old plenty to make your own adult decision - so you ought rightly be old enough to prepare for the consequences. There is no age constrict for condoms, so go buy your own if you need them. If you stipulation the pill, go get a assignment with benefits and have a doctor write you a symbols. Do you also expect your mom to buy you beer and cigarettes? At some point you're going to need to either find older, wiser, responsible, or go fund to being a 13 year old. I'm sorry for your situation. But since you already have sex you are not a kid anymore.Go and buy your own birth control. Get yourself to the local planned parenthood office or give the name your family doctor and make an appointment. Always better secure than sorry. AND you will need to be checked for STD's at some point. Good luck..
girl im not trying to judge you or be another character to lexture tyou buh mayne your way to young to be have sex you barley got into your teen years. i really think you should purely save it till you get a bit older and find the rite guy trust me you;ll feel so much better just about yourself. but if thats really your choice i say sit down with your mom and jus report her how your feelingg there's no age limit on condoms, so you can go buy your own, as far as the birth control, ask your mom, since she be already thinking about it, she shouldn't be surprised..
Sweetie, you're entirely too young to be have sex.
Being an adult isn't as fun as it's portrayed to be in children's eyes. I want I were 13 again. Be a kid, live young while you still can. I have an idea that YOU can legally buy them at a gas station... And if u cant some places sell them for a quarter within the bathrooms anyway..
Just be straight up.. do you prefer getting pregnant or asking your mother for birth control.. I honestly prefer birth control :)

go get it urself
ur mature enough to have sex
ur prehistoric enough to get condoms and see a doctor roughly speaking the pill.
dont have sex until you are at least a credible youth you're too young. just notify her if you really want to

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