How repeatedly did you lug provera? Help please!?

My doc advised me to take 10 days of provera pills (not the shots) because I haven't have my period since last year. I finished it so my spell should come soon. The only thing I hold on to taking provera? I want to know what your experiences have been similar to because my doc said it was ok to take it every month and it's a pesronal choice...but I hear provera can be pretty harsh on the body. Usually when we take provera to induce a we take it the same 10 days out of every single month or can we skip a couple of months and filch it again and again if our period does not come back to conventional..oh yeah and also is it safe to be on provera while having your spell? Thanks!

What happen when you travel to a GP (uk) for a .?

I was also taking provera, just finished my ending pill yesterday, it was trying to induce my period, so i can start my fertility treatment. After taking provera a human being should expect there periods anywhere from 1 daytime after up to 10 days after, it all depends on your body. For me my last cycle my period came about 4 days after my concluding pill of provera.
When your periods start you are suppose to discontinue taking provera, but you should confirm with your doctor, for what you are mortal treated it could be different.
In the case of fertility treatment roughly we pobably wont be taking the pills exactly the same days everymonth, cause the concluding week day 21 or 28 i think we do a blood audition to see if pregnancy occurs, and after that we start our second cycle , by taking provera again for 10 days and so on.
In your case it can change if your doctor only wants to regulate your cycle, they can insist on you best. You may only have to tkae it a month or two and your cycle could start on its own. It adjectives varies from person to soul.

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(1) Yes, it is safe to be on Provera during your period. No problem here.

(2) Provera is not the most modern "choice" pills to take as contraceptive. Maybe your doctor has dutiful experiences with stimulating the return of your periods. I do not know whether Provera is fit to do so. Maybe it is.

(3) Generally, you could clutch any birth control pill like Yasmin and probably would have a withdrawal-bleeding every cycle. This would be a standard procedure to try.

(4) I do not know how outdated you are and how long you have had your period without problem. Obviously, the treatment is different for teenage girls or grown women.

(5) Without seeing your condition it is difficult to give advise. Are you sure you are very well nourished and your lack of menstruation is not due to consumption disorders or malnourishment? Did your doctor (gyn?) exclude all diseases from being contributing? Did he check your hormonal state?

Girls Pls Answer!?

I'm not aware of depo-provera being offered as a pill. I have be taking it via injection for about 7 years. I think you are confused. You do not hold it to induce a period. Maybe you are unclear on what 'induce' money. Depo-provera can stop your menstrual cycles. It is a contraceptive. That means it keeps you from getting pregnant. It is not 'unsafe' to start it while on your spell. It is irrelevant. What do you mean "harsh on the body?" It have some beneficial effects and some detrimental ones. It's not like eating rat poison or something.

You said you are taking your birth control pills for 10 days out of the month? I reason you should go back to your doctor, hold a discussion about how birth control works, and how you should be using it.

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