How long does it usually filch for a girls' extent to regulate? [girls one and only plz]

I'm 13 years old and i've had my length for about a year now, and i'm somewhat worried, i was supposed to get my length 2 weeks ago, but i havent got it, I'm getting the cramps every day, but i am still waiting...I know im not prego bc im still a virgin...but i rly want to know whats going bff said im freshly irregular but im not sure, and im not going to my doctor since he's a guy... please help me out?

Answers:    about three to four years..
Sometimes immature girls have difficult period from first menstruation up to fully developed regular menstrual cycles. It will appropriate some time to fully develop your mature regular menstrual cycle. Please be also informed that in nonspecific menstrual cycles are very sensitive to stress, emotional situations, infections, medication, etc.
Just be tolerant. Usually by 18-20 year the menstrual cycle will be fully development, your hormones will develop your own (personal) cycle and your menstrual cycle will be regular.
Be Healthy and Happy! .
I've have mine for about a 1 1/2 years now and it's pretty regular- It does steal a while but everyone once in a while it will be longer or shorter then mundane.
There is no way to be pregs if you are still a virgin so don't worry. Cramps are a sure sign ( and a discomfort in the a$$ too) but stress will cause it to be delayed

Good Luck and What ever sex of doc you surface comfortable w/ is up to you.
Your BF is right but always make sure you consult to a girl who knows first before completely believing what he say. I'm sure he is an itelligent person but he isn't a girl so he ofcourse wouldn't know all :)

GL .
Your Bff is right! Don't Worry It IS Just Irregular I Know A Girl Who Was Regular Already And Her Period Was Almost A Month Late It Is Just Unpredictable Like That Sometimes . It could not be regular till your 17!

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