How long does it hold a birth control patch to work?
Answers: Not sure I know exactly what you are asking...are you asking how long after sex you inevitability to keep the patch on in lay down to keep from getting pregnant? I'm pretty sure not long at all...if fertilization happen, it happens in minutes/hours. Sperm can't live extremely long inside a woman. Anyway, the patch works by preventing ovulation. If there was no egg, nearby was nothing to fertilize to start with. Remember, though, that if you had a short time ago started using the patch before you had sex, it might not hold started to work yet, in which armour it really doesn't matter how long you keep the patch could still be pregnant. It's best to ask the doctor who prescribed them. You can telephone call his/her office and one of the nurses should be able to answer the press..
Well all that info should be on the box that you purchased it with. Look on here and all your problems should be solved! it should cause cancer or other reproductive issues for you, surrounded by as little a 5 years