How do i amendment the smell and piece of my vagina?

ummm, today my boyfriend went down on me and he told me that i tasted unusual and bad. then next, he also said i smelled bad too. (just to let you know, he said it surrounded by the nicest way possible and said sorry about a thousand times for letting me down, when its not his condemn at all) i feel like a let-down for this. this was something that we have be excited to do for a while and i feel like i agree to him down, even tho he swears i didnt. i still want him to do it tho and be comfortable with the smell and taste. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone report to me how to fix this smell and most deffinitly the taste.

Skipped term??

maybe pilfer a long shower and wash down there

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First, I would hold your gyno check you out to make sure you don't have any type of bacterial infection - that can effect foul odor.

Second, try taking a shower right before engaging surrounded by oral OR have fun while you're both actually taking a shower together! You can also play around while swimming contained by a pool, etc.

There are also special vaginal cleansers, but those should not be used too often because they can change the Ph set off of your vagina which can lead to yeast infections, etc.


go to any store, similar to target or Wal-mart, they make scented and flavored KY Jelly, one-sidedly I like the strawberry, it's like 8 dollars, but it will second forever, and if you didn't want him to know about it, you don't to tell him. You can also decree some stuff at different on line stores, Good luck.

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are you sure its not just because he isnt used to the smell?
i mingy because its impossible to completely get rid of ANY smell, maybe he expected it to own no smell or taste at all?

otherwise, only just shower right before or something?

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Bad smell and taste could indicate a pelvic infection esp. if it be different than normal. Get checked by a doc 2 make sure everything is ok.

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uh only just make sure you clean really economically down there.
sometimes, girls just can't variation that. but i'm sure if you clean better and stuff it''ll change


i've other heard eating pineapple help..

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ummm. maybe take a shower and rub down at hand idk..

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