Help.please?...i dont no what to do... tryed this q surrounded by other forums but cant come across to receive an arnswer.?

my boyfriend asked me to go on a break yesterday which has knock me for six im very upset and feeling totally sensative right now so i would appeciate no nasty comments.

as i said above me and my "bf" are immediately on a break he was texting me most of the day yesterday trying to explain why he requirements to think and its because he doesnt no if he loves me as much as he used to, he sent his last manual at half 2 and i didnt hear from him at all until i certificate him to make sure he was ok at bout 9:30, and he schoolbook back saying yeah im fine am thinking will txt you tomorrow xx he didnt ask me if im ok or anything i no im prob human being silly but it would of been nice for him 2 at least ask how i be as he has basicly just dumped me.

but im a bit serpisious as to why he wonts a break because for the finishing couple of weeks when ever i have been at his or next to him he has his phone switched off and say its because his battery is going but he has it on when im not near with him. what do you think? 2geva 3yrs

Sex grill...ADULTS solely please!?

I surmise he doesnt want to commit and you need to confront him.When people ask to progress on breaks that is a wimpy way of maxim I dont want to anymore.
Now for the benefit of doubt,have you noticed a variation in him? that you may have done to manufacture him want to back off?
Or enjoy you noticed that at random times he isnt available when he used to be?
I am sorry you are hurting this is difficult,I would confront him and variety him give you a sensible answer,saying this to you short an explanation isn't cool,so make him talk.
Just remember you may not similar to what he says,just be strong and know your better than that and deserve more.

My first spell or not? I CANT TELL! give a hand im solely 12!?

Sounds approaching commitment fears.
Something's gradually come to him and he's not sure if he wants it. I'd influence give him a little time and space - it's unyielding and heartbreaking, I know - and THEN you have every right to demand that he certainly gets honest and talks to you.

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Relax... provide him some space. He obviously wants to pilfer a step back and look at your relationship. What he does next will be base on what he sees. Texting him will not speed the process up so just be tolerant and go where he lead.

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He's hiding something. Probably another girl, sorry to say. I have like peas in a pod problem, when my bf comes to visit, he doesn't turn his phone off but to shudder, doesn't answer it or look at his text messages. But I know he gets both b/c I discern his phone vibrate against me when we are hugging or vibrating on the table at hours of darkness when he puts it on to charge. Decide what your willing to put up with, chat to him about it or move on. In my valise, it's a friend that I don't like and don't want him communicating with, but I can't stop it, so I own learned to deal beside it.

Help please?

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