Help me please im alarmed..what is itt??

Ok I missed my period abut 2 months the last time i have it was June 5. But the thing is my ovaries hurt REAL fruitless, even when i press agaisnt my stomach near my ovaries it hurts. And the other thing is when i Lay on my Stomach the spasm does NOT stop and makes me wanna throw up a little..What is it??

Answers:    Sweetie win to a doctor asap it could be nothing or you could have an extra-uterine pregnancy (very dangerous) it could be irregular extent with bloating and just lots of agony. No matter what it is even if it’s nothing you shouldn't get the impression ashamed to get it checked out. I know vaginal exams are scary but you can ask for a woman it might help out ease the embarrassment ask for throbbing killers to ease the discomfort. The longer you loaf the more scared you will be and our brains are very obedient at making our bodies feel worse even if they aren't. The fear of not knowing can convert into tangible pain in your tummy. Please go to a doctor or an ER asap..
Okay I am no doctor here but have have my fair share of female problems. First things first, it is big that you do not panic. There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to a woman's menstrual cycle. For example, how ancient are you? Women go through many change throughout their lives and your cycle will change based on age. Mine have changed twice now and I am only 30. Second, is within a possibility that you are pregnant? This could be causing some of the discomfort if that is the defence. When was the last time you have a annual well women's exam? Also, other things like endometriosis can incentive pains in your ovaries as well (trust me, I deal with it for 6 months before have surgery for it). My best advice would be again, don't panic and attain a check up from your gynecologist as soon as you can. that is not good. you should appointment the doctor! are you sexually active? maybe an std? for sure sounds approaching some kind of infection. dont wait any longer, turn to the doctor! u dont want to risk an infection hurting you and possibly causing you to be infertile!! call the doc!.
I don`t know it's some really bad cramps, not sure. put a heating wad or hot water bottle on it to see if it helps. perchance you should ask your doctor. i dont know but go to the doctor right away.

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