HELP! I'm Sick and I hold lost my appetite!! :( HELP!!?
I have been thowing up since 10pm ending night and all the agency until 4 this morning. I don't feel AS bad during the hours of daylight, but as of 10 minutes ago, i feel horrible all over again, I own a loss of appetite, and I can't seem to eat anything! Everyone contained by the house just got over it, so very soon I have it. I heard that Bananas are virtuous to eat while sick. Does anyone know what I can eat, BESIDES SOUP! I don't even want to deliberate about the broth or the soup. Thanks very much.
Answers: Remember "BRAT":
Apple Juice
Plain saltines are accurate, too. Good luck!.
You might have a case of food poisoning or stomach bug. try to drink plenty of fluids and label you a doctor's appointment. Get Well :-)
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