Help chitchat to mom!?

Hey my name is sarah and i am 12.

I am so nervous just about talking to my mom about stuff similar to shaving, (asking if i can), bras, and just stuff about growing up. i other get nervous chitchat about that stuff around adults. its like i freeze up and i dont know what to utter. I am a really good kid and have other been really laid back and mommys little girl and i dont want her to imagine she is loosing me and stuff. anyone have any advice.

PLEASE dont suppose i am imature and put answers with bad words and stuff. thnx!


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i be really nervous at first too with that compassionate of stuff, but as you get older you freshly get so used to it..i remember i was so shy about asking her how to shave and she showed me and had fun next to it! after that i felt better about everything..i bet if you a short time ago talk to her about it and seize it over with you'll feel much better and i'm sure she'll be euphoric to take you bra shopping =]

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Well, if your mom doesn't bring it up soon, it's going to be your job, right? Eh, I be lucky and when I was in the 5th class they were doing scoliosis testing and adjectives the girls were going to have to run off their shirts... my mom just asked if I required to get a bra. It was that natural.

I think just ask her if she would minister to you pick out a bra. I think you could just spring that one on her, she's get to be expecting it to happen soon at this point. If you really feel close to she won't let you, that's okay... for now. Pretty soon, you'll NEED to verbs about that stuff and she won't be able to humiliate it any longer!! I mean, you could start your period soon, after what'll she do?!

edit: P.S. with shaving... pay attention around the ankles, and don't be afraid to take your time. It's worth it.

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sarah dont worry in the region of a thing... just walk up to your mom and say.. i just hold a few questions about girl stuff and i be wondering if we could talk... i'm sure your mom'll be way cool beside it.. i mean she used to be your age once so she knows how it is

and she definately won't devise she's loosing you by just talking.. she'll probably regard as shes getting closer if you really open up to her...

if your still uncomfortable try writing it down or something and putting it by or bed or perchance emailing her questions

hope i helped.. virtuous luck

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aww sweetie, you sound adorable!

i'm sure your mum will be happy to address to you about growing up and all that, she will be proud that you hold been brave to ask her yourself with confidence.

trust me, you should bargain to her, you will feel good afterwards!

also, this site is obedient, and has everything about growing up and period and shaving and bras etc

good luck honey!

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.. you shouldn't be nervous in the region of talking to your mom about puberty stuff.
every girl go through it, and she knows one day you will be in motion through it too.

& you'll always be your moms little girl...

hope i helped! :] <3

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You can other write her a note and say 'hey mom, i have need of to talk to you about some stuff, when can we touch?' Then let her take it from in attendance She will be so happy that you did, she will hug you!

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she will trust and respect you if you tell her of late say mom can i talk too you roughly sum stuff i have been thinking bout alot.
hope it help

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