Has anyone have a hysterectomy done laproscopically?

I am a 35 yr old mother of 3. I am done having children. My OBGYN not long suggested I either remove 1 ovary or have a complete hysterectomy. I own ovarian cysts that are getting more and more painful. I have a strong line history of female cancers and would resembling to have a hysterectomy done by 40 anyways. I was wondering what other race have experienced with a hysterectomy, and or laproscopic surgery. My OB said i would not hold to be cut and could either have it removed vaginally or totally laproscopically.

Answers:    I have mine done normally and it was ok but I developed an infection which wasn't biddable I didn't fancy it any other way and as I had fibroids it be the best way to have it done plus as a nurse I'd see all ways of it done ....

just jump with which way YOU contemplate is best for you .
I haven't but my mom had hers removed vaginally. She was glad she didn't hold to be cut, but she still had the usual recovery time only just less chance of infection and no scar etc. The only thing that really did hurt her be when they took the wadding out vaginally, the rest of the pain she had from the surgery be managed with painkillers. Sounds similar to you're making the best decision having it done though. apposite luck. I am scheduled for a hysterectomy myself. You should check out the website www.hystersisters.com. You can get lots of information here from many women who have have it done. Good luck!.
my aunts recently had hers done say it difficult to go toilet n hurts wen shes sitting spends most the day lying within bed thats all i no dont no if shes putting it on or if its that bad I have this done about 3 years ago. Laproscopically and vaginal is how my procedure was done. I spent one darkness in the hospital and went home the subsequent day. I had greatly of swelling in my nether region and could not urinate on my own and had to be sent home beside a catheter. It was a pain to accord with, but the pain of a bladder full of urine is something I could not tolerate. A week latter I went back for an ultrasound of my bladder and everything looked okay so I be allowed to go home and take out the catheter, and advise to come back if I had any headache or had not urinated in 2-4 hours. Thankfully the swelling have gone down and I could go all by myself close to a big girl: ) You will want to take it easy for the subsequent 2-3 weeks. Not having a period is great and I love it. My period made me feel ill and my uterus be enlarged, but non cancerous. Be aware of the hormonal drop you may feel like you are crazy and loosing your mind. The hormones may work themselves out over time, mine did. Be prepared for hours of darkness sweats too.

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