Hairy Nipples? (serious question)?

Hi its soooo embarrasin but can you tell me if this is normal?:- Ok so im white british womanly. not PALE PALE but fair with sorta golden brown hackle. However around the outside of my nipples I get several BLACK CORSE hairs which are noticeably very noticable and very embarrasin.

Is this majority lol or is there somethin wrong with me? I have heard that excess body hair can be a sign of hormonal disparity but im not a yeti or anythin and my normal body hair is blonde everywhere else. Iv have thyroid tests which included hormone stuff an they come back conventional and once is asked my doctor maybe I have that PCOS entry and she didnt do any tests but said I probably dont because my periods are regular.

SO why do I own these totally irregular hairs around my nipples? I pluck them but obviously they come hindmost and anyway its wierd pluckin ur nipples lol!


Is this possible?

I totally understand - it happened to me as okay when I was younger - and its simply hormonal and does not necessarily mean that anything is out of whack - what I did be have in my time electrolysis which now days would be taken care next to IPL laser treatment - you will find if you persevere with the treatment they will disappear - mine hold not come back. I would suggest you seek professional IPL laser treatment by a qualified personality and make sure that the laser is of medical grade and the entity is qualified.
Good Luck

I hold be bleeding for a more than a month. I don't know what to do?

hi dont worry,this is normal that poorly lit hair grow around nipples becouse there are hormonal embalane surrounded by some girls and this is normal ,every hormons that release in body or hormons that enter from out of budy for examepl food close to hen,egg,that they have hormon cause can shave down ,be relax ,eat food overflowing vitemin like fruit,,liquid,eat less hormonal food,.bye

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Welcome to the wonderful world of things they dont recount you! I also have this issue to my utter horror. I am of Italian decent so it is no surprise that hairyness runs surrounded by my blood. LOL but seriously I tried to have them removed with electrolysis next to which I spent a small fortune and they still came back. In the finish, I discovered that your body will naturally make more if it wishes to. so removing some will not guarentee that it will go away for ever. So I spent all that money for nil. In the end, I just cut them down short and be off it at that. No point wasting money on hair removal unless its laser .. but I dont have that description of cash. . Wait till it starts on your neck! or upper lip! lovely... basically lovely...

I in recent times dont bring it?

I have your 'problem' its anything but. Its totally normal, I in actual fact self wax them, beacuse theres only a few i just use a self-waxing paraphernalia and dont put it on your nipple as it is VERY fragile, or use tweezers.

Why can't i wee?!?

Every girl is different, and some girls have darker hackle around their nipples than other girls. It's perfectly natural and zilch to worry about.

Am I repulsive?

Its average. If you are still pubescent, its especially normal.


Please help out i dont no?

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