Girls singular pleasee ! Period helpp , :]

The first time i got my period be June 21, and i haven't gotten it since.
But on the like 26th-28th of July I got this clear gelly discharge, which is ovulationn . I hear yu get your period 14 days after yu ovulate, is that ALWAYS true ?

Answers:    You won't draw from down to a 'regular' schedule for a good number of months... Even next, if you are REALLY stressed out, it can throw off your cycle by weeks!

My period can evolve anywere between the 13th and the 26th and that is NORMAL for ME...

The clear gelly is usually a sign of ovulation... When you get it, see if you can touch anything happening around your pelvic area, at the bottom of your tummy... Some women can get the impression the ovulation and you will know for sure that it has happened. For me, it hurts a bit on my gone side and my doctor told me it was just that I be able to feel the egg release...

As long as you don't skip a month here or within you are fine...

There is no "Always" in medicine... Each being is totally different then any other and what would cure me of something might kill you!

There are lone guidelines when it comes to health. So as long as you are somewhere near the guidelines, you are freshly fine!.
if you have an irregular menstrual cycle, the 14 days thingy can only be a constant truth to those who hold a regular menstrual cycle, you can consult your doctor somehow if can't still understand what I'm saying. If you have already an experience of sexual intercourse, you can take pills that could be useful to you and your partner. I'm sorry I'm not a girl, anyways I hoped I Informed you something. If uve merely gotten ur period then it will clutch time for it to get into a pattern. Sometimes they will be two months apart, sometimes two weeks. As you seize older they will work into a 28 dayish routine. And yeah the discharge is just discharge, and again a u grasp older you will get that more frequently..
i.e. true for people who have regular period every month.In my case i'm always delayed resembling 1 week or more, but still the discharge which is usually clear jelly like is a mark that one is fertile or ovulating.time frame for monthly term is uasually 28 to 30 days.hope this helps. No, especially not when you first get your interval. You won't be regular for some time, usually it takes a few YEARS. Every woman is different. The "average" woman's cycle is 28 days. Mine is 38 days. I know woman whose cycles last 2-3 weeks. You'll hold to chart yours on a clander for several months to figure what yours will be..
nah youre fine... youre just irregular from a moment ago starting... discharge doesn't mean anything ... it is just luck i suppose... i other get discharge a few days before my time... but i suppose it varies from person to party... i wouldnt worry, give it time and everything will probably settle down you're supposed to obtain your period once a month.
the discharge doesn't really tell anything something like your period - it's pretty normal.
i suggest if you enjoy questions about it - as awkward as it is - check beside your doctor.
or ask your mother. no one knows best than her.

no...the discharge is your vagina cleaning have nothing to do with ovulation. If you haven't have a period in the ending two mnths you need to see a Dr. I could be PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) or you could have something else wrong... Not other. Just wait a couple more days and it will start again. But there is some cases where on earth you have your period once every 4 months. everyones different. Just remember to use :
Well, for one, you merely started your period. I got mine when i be 11 and i'm 13 now, and it's been pretty regular. Your probably going to skip a few months until it straightens out contained by a few years! So nothin to worry about! in good health, when you first start your period, you often skip a month, and are irregular for a month or two until your hormones own settled...don't worry about it..
mostly true. everyone is a bit different. It take some girls years to get regular. If you are not sexually active afterwards you have nothing to verbs about. It's not always true. But collectively you get your next spell 28 days from the last one, but you may be irregular during your first couple of years..
No, when you start getting your period it is not unusual for it to purloin a while until your cycle is regular. no...and some people can get their interval very irregular!...u can have one surrounded by december and not have another one til like february.
It's totally ordinary. You are just irregular, it happens to like mad of girls when they first get their period. i doubt it since everyone is different but i can report to you that i didn't get my second period until 6 months after my first.
Go and speak to you gynaecologist or domestic doctor. It varies from girl to girl.

Just relax and let mother personality work her magic..
no but i thought the discharge was, resourcefully, JUST discharge YOUR PERIOD WILL BE MESSED UP FOR A WHILE.
me too! I didn't get my second period until WAYYY after my first!

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