Getting my time of year more than once a month?
Answers: It is very normal for a teen girl to own irregular periods for the first two years of starting her period. Irregular can be missing period or more than one period a month. This is your body's way of adjust to womanhood.
However, stress, poor diet, hormone problems, and some medications can cause a term to come more than once a month.
A checkup can help determine if you need any medication or treatment such as iron supplements to prevent anemia or antibiotics for an infection.
So it is key to see your doctor, and all young women who hold started their period should be established with a gynecologist. If you don't own a GYN, talk to your mom about setting up an appointment next to one.
Good luck, and hang in here!.
actually i have a friend who have her period for 18 straight days every month
so even if you think your situation is doomed to failure, it could be worse.
basically (depending on how old you are, usually a babyish age) your irregular because your hormones are out of control.
if having your term more than once a month is really hard for you i would reccomen going on birth control. and that will stop your periods and you'll hold like 4 a year..
Go to your doctor. It is possible that you just own an imbalance due to stress. When my mother died, my body reacted surrounded by a similar way, then stopped have any period at all for in the region of 5 months. My doctor recommended a D&C which worked to even out my periods. Afterward, I was rear on schedule and haven't strayed off again.
Your gyno can check for you to see if that would form a difference. Please go. .
This isn't super uncommon but it's categorically not healthy. Loosing that much blood can cause you to become anemic. You involve to go to the doctor and find out what it's causing this. Going on the pill is a vastly good idea contained by this circumstance because it will regulate your cycles. 'why dont you go kill yourself'. treaty with it..
that sounds a bummer :(
go to the doctors or dance on the pill =/