Fertility question.

okay my last period be july 20th. i'm pretty sure i ovulated on the 1st of Aug. we had intercourse then. how long does it lift for the sperm to reach the egg? if it takes, how long does it lug for the fertilized egg to implant? on what estimated day would i be considered pregnant? i know it won't show up on a interview until between the 15th and 20th, but around what time would i be considered pregnant if the egg implanted. i should know this by now we've been ttc for 2.5years already. i own irregular cycles and just got them put a bet on, so we just actively started trying again. i need recharged.


Answers:    If you go to this intermingle, it has all that info for you.

implantation of the egg ussually occur 6-10 days after conception.
your considered pregnant after a missed period and a positive test,in that really isnt a time you can class yourself as pregnant.

here is some information about how long it takes sperm to accomplish egg.
* I would say at least a couple of hours, but it could lug up to three days. Depending you your body and where the egg is in the cycle.

* 2 TO 3 DAYS

* The sperm that will know how to fertilize the eggie will leave the cervix, at the most, 30 minutes. It does not take 3 days for the sperm to gain to the fallopian tubes to ovulation. It can take minutes for at least some of the sperm to make the fallopian tubes where they are stored waiting for the eggie to pop out if it hasn't already popped out.

* As a general rule, smaller amount than three days.

* It takes about two hours to receive the entire journey to the egg; however, some sperm are Olympic swimmers and can reach the egg contained by a half an hour. I looked this up and this is the article that I found if you are interested in reading it. http://www.mjbovo.com/Contracept/NO_Cont...

* Well from what the Doctor told me when I get pregnant, it can take anywhere from the moment it happened to 8 days after the moment. Sorry if that doesn't serve any just what I was told.

* I don't know the answer, but I will detail you what I do know. Sperm travels about 1/8 inch per minute. Sounds pretty slow until you realize Sperm is about 1/600 inch long. If you amount that up to "human" size that's about 4-5 miles / hour -- slow jogging speed. The permeation of the penis and location of the egg in the fallopian tubes is only two factor that will affect time. Not all sperm swim in the correct direction. Some "hang up back" (don't know the right word) and may not move into the fallopian tubes for a 2 or 3 days. This is why you can have intercourse before ovulation and still seize pregnant by sperm from a few days ago.

* Sperm can last 3 to 5 days inside a woman. Every woman ovulates differently. People will tell you the average woman ovulate 14 days from the sunshine you start your period

really hope this helps and goodluck hunny

also you can buy ovulation test to make sure you are actually ovulating on that hours of daylight!xxx

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