DID I GET MY Period or not??

Like 4 months ago I had brown stuff in my underwear (poo-like) and my mom said that it's a "pre-period" while my friends said that it be a period. I haven't been getting anything since, than regular white discharge.

So I don't know if I get my period or not.

Answers:    Its not a real term but it does mean that your body is gearing up to start a regular period. It could still pinch a year before that starts and months for it to become regular but its totally normal. Your mom is right and your lucky to enjoy one that you can talk to about this stuff, she sounds close to she knows what shes talking in the order of!.
everyone is different
there are a few things it could have be
it could have been poo... ew, i no, but possible
it could own been some sort of ''pre-period''
or it could have be your first period
lots of people start their period then don't have another extent for a few months
there is no such thing as common... just normal for you
so don't verbs
your body will setlle down eventually and you will have a regular cycle
keep a diary of your period so that you can p[redict your next period
other carry a pad or tampon around beside you because at the moment you can not predict when your next period will be
your mum be right, it is like a pre-period. It's nothing to be worried going on for it just means you will be starting your interval soon, not all girls get it but greatly do. your friends just probably haven't had it, if it be your period you would have have it again since then. first of all relatives first.sure they may be wrong but always trust them.
second of all your mom be right,its a pre-period because if it was a period it would enjoy been going on for a few days.And you get it every month..
that happen to my sister, no you didnt get it, your mom was right, dont listen to your friends, they enjoy no clue just like you, im sure your bound to obtain it in the next few months. u really concentration that u get ur period when u grasp creamy stuff that blend with ur underwear and if u got curls on ur front i had a class on it.
no u didnt

it was purely pre period it happens to alot of girls

your mom be right.
if you don't get it soon take a pregnacy interview your mom was right i got that too .
no i will be red not brown trust me dance to doctor ummm yea doctor.
You got your period. How outmoded are you?.
no not yet whoa! same with me too! everyone told me it be my period.
i was close to... uhhh.. idts...
you are pregnant , the best bet for you is give it up for adoption , they dont let any loser adopt , but losers cause babies all the time , its sad

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