Did anyone else achieve in attendance first ever spell at a REALLY irritating time to start?

I started mine the morning i went on a camping trip beside the school which was a 5mile trek carrying my tent, backpack and everything..followed by an over nightcamp contained by a tent and then a 5mile trek back the subsequent day..
What a nuiscance!!

Answers:    Well I got my awfully first period when I was 8.
Right since my dance competition.
I thought I had cut myself so I put rubbing alcohol on it.
Never do that,it burns.
There be this HUGE swimming event on the last day of every year contained by the senior school (year 7 up) part of my academy. I was in year 7 but I be leaving the school at the conclude of the year so this was my only time I could stir to this event. I'd been practicing SO HARD all year, get up 5 am every other morning for swim meet, then swam on my own afterschool for ages, for so long they would hold to tell me to get out because the pool be closed!! I was so excited, and the prizes for it were so flawless!! For first place, was an ipod (2nd generation, but still!!). The daylight before I got spotting, I didn't know what it be, but the next day I flooded! I be so upset! (back then tampons were simply startling with a capital s, c, a, r and y.) yerr,
i purely posted this on another question but heyy,,,

well ii started my first spell whilst at my friends birthday sleepover.
everytime i stood up an walked somewhere in my extremely short green dress everyone laugh at me. i didnt know why they were laughing though and found myself getting extremely upset. the only party happy enough to let somebody know me what was wrong was my friends mum. she looked after me as if she be my own mother on that one night :)


also an embarrasing time was sitting on my boyfriends white bed cover..i be so embarrased!!
my mum went on holiday to Italy for 2 weeks when I started mine. I was stuck contained by London alone with a very aged fashioned frather and no one to ask or talk to. It be also half term/no school friends to communicate to and I then realised just why I should hold paid attention in my science module... I started mine on a vacation on lake michigan :(
I didn't capture to go in the hose or anything and I was with my grandparents. To gross matters worse my relatives we were visit owned the local drug store so all my cousins (boys) knew motive my grandma went and bought my pads near!.
Got my first period a week after my 13th birthday on the day I be going to my cousin's sleepover. It was horrible because I wasn't used to wearing pads and so I only sat in the corner moping adjectives day and then woke up really untimely to avoid any embarrassment. Thank Apple for alarms on iPods! Well, I got mine during Science Class next to my very strict MALE teacher. The blood be coming and I had to wait until the fall of class to go to the bathroom and instead I went to the guidance counselor and asked for a wad. .
poor u i totally agree, it must have been soooooooooo annoying, but don't verbs as i said to my daughters have another 40 odd years not here to have periods so don't treat it as a weakness get on with natural life and don't let them stop you from doing anything,

Wow! That must have be really irritating. I've never had my period all the same. To answer your question, my friend's friend's sister did. Sorry can't tell you anymore. B'(|
Anyway, why would you share that next to the world. Yes, I got my period on a Monday when I be going to be married that Saturday. Thank God that it was a short period that month and I be over it before the wedding, because I have a solid white dress.

yeah i got it when i was moving out of ca and visit relatives in mn. i didnt know what a period be. i was like 11yrs when it happen omgs, i was staying with my dad for a week, throwing up and adjectives sorts, i didnt wanna tell my dad either!
he purely doesnt do that sorta thing i had to phone my mum lol .
to me anytime for the first time or anytime after i.e. a really irritating time, there is NO good time to hold a period yeah i went on a university trip to a home game and i was wearing white tracksuit bottoms thank goodness everyone thought it was kethup as i was 9years mature and hardly anyone knew in the order of periods.
Yeah, I was contained by catholic school and it was christmas time and I be the angel gaberial in the christmas play waring white robes!! i am allways on when i am going on holiday... i was on for ma cousins celebratory i wo the bridesmaid as well with a cream dress... but i wo reli lucky i started on the toilet... it w great timing lol... .
Talk more or less it girl!
Seriously, I can't freaking stand it.
I always get it when I'm going somewhere
or jamboree someone or at an akward time like at school or something.

yeah; costa rica on time off with my family.

i didn't hold as good of a time as i could have.

nearby was snorkeling i couldn't do cuz i hate tampons.
I get mine just before boarding a plane from Boston to Melbourne adjectives on my own. It was AWFUL. I got my first ever time of year walking home 2 + miles from school, in 98 scope heat, and wearing white pants :-(. .
Yes I did, it be the day we were taking the boat out to cedar point (5 hour drive), so irritating. I GOT MINE AT THE SCHOOL TRIP TO THE WATER PARK...ON THE FIRST DAY OF SUMMER TO.
At university before an away basketball game I have to cheer at. I had to run home and get stuff after run back to school. I be skiing in the Alps..
I got mine right beforehand my soccer game. that sucks sorry to hear that..
i got mine right previously a party.it sucked because all the bathrooms be crowded YEASS!.
the first day of 7th grade!
it be horrible..
school :| first day of college anyone? >(.
Wow...your story beats them all!

Mine isn't that desperate...

Just one Friday afternoon...a Happy Birthday Gift...bleh.

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