Can this information just about getting your "tubes tied" be true?

A friend recently told me, "You really have to bring care of yourself (she meant as far as watching your weight) when you own that done. You stay really bloated because of the air that stays inside of you."

What on earth is she chitchat about?
I know there are plenty of factor that make women heavier or keep them from losing mass, but what AIR in WHERE does she mean?

Admittedly I don't know alot nearly this procedure but I'm skeptical about this person's info because she has a history of dispensing really crazy and unreliable medical proposal.
Just FYI, she's a co-worker who loves to talk and gossip next to everybody and she and I were just chitchat, so it's not as if I specifically went to her with question or for advice.
I have a pretty accurate idea by what she meant by "the heavens that stays inside you" but can there be any truth to that? It seems ridiculous, but I could basically be prejudice considering the source.

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I'm happy to tell you that your friend is indeed, misinformed. When a woman undergo tubal ligation (having her tubes tied), there are no medical side-effects that would cause her to lose substance or gain weight, and certainly not motive her to accumulate air contained by her body.

I think your friend would be better off writing Science Fiction instead of giving out medical proposal.

Everybody out there has at least possible one "stupid" friend, who's a nice person -- just not one to ask anything. :)

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There is no such item. If you have your tubes tied laprascopically they have to imbue the abdominal cavity with air in the past doing the procedure, but when it's over the air is eliminated from your body, it's not kept contained by there. This person should not be dispensing medical counsel when she doesn't know what she's talking about. She could in reality do someone serious harm.

What could it be ??

hahahaha that is so funny, I honestly did LOL --thank you for the giggle. No, it is not true. Your abdomen is filled beside gas for the procedure and once over it is released. A small amount may stay inside but it gets absorbed really soon and is not in there for good.
PS - If you have some shoulder pain after surgery dont be surprised, it is from the gas irritating a effrontery under your diaphragm.

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Surgeons inflate a person's body cavity with gas/air, so that they can more effortlessly see the organs. The gas can cause some pain after surgery but it dissipates massively fast.

Some people hold no pain whatsoever from the gas.

Gas does not stay inside you. No worries.

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I had my tubes tied and I never have a weight issue because of it. I have agreed many women that have have it problems.
I have no idea more or less air staying inside you??
I would ask your doctor, but I think that she's full of it!

Best Wishes

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