By getting a pap smear, can you narrate if you own have intercourse?
Answers: Perhaps. If your Pap smear reveals that you hold HPV, then that will be an indication that you have feasible had intercourse. However, if you don't have HPV, later a Pap smear can't tell. Unless you had sex in a few days of the Pap smear, in which case sperm might show up. But you're not supposed to enjoy sex within 48 hours of a gynecologic appointment..
no they can only assume but no clear should still update them so they can do extra lab testings you might need! you can ask your mom to leave because it would product you uncomfortable so she wouldn't have the right to choose. Only if you hold contracted a sexually transmitted infection..
Yes they can. And don't have a pap smear right after you have have intercourse, it messes up the results. yeahh they can your not really supossed have intercourse, when your about to enjoy a pap smear..