Birth Control Dangerous?
Answers: the simply major health risk i'm aware of as far as birth control is blood clots. at a childlike age there probably isn't much reason to verbs unless you are a smoker. of course the risk is there, and nearby may be other risks, but the chance that you will suffer major problems at the foot of these "risks" is very small and rare.
pretty much adjectives birth control is going to yield the same risks. you should consult to your doctor about which pill or contraceptive method will cater to your personal preferences and fears regarding the risks. absolutely the method of contraception with the lowest side effects/risk are condoms and abstinence. in that are other contraceptives that don't require taking a pill everyday or changing a patch every spermicide and a diaphragm.
it really comes down to weigh out the desire to not have a baby and your terror of possible complications from using birth control.
your body is going to react differently than other women so its too hard to articulate what side effects you will likely suffer from and whether different pills will have smaller number side effects for you personally. try to just be aware of the possible side effects approaching weight gain and depression and be ready to combat those side effects next to exercise and eating right. .
i've heard that to. my mom works at a hospital and she said that sometime they had to revive a lady 12 times because she be taking birth control that caused blood clots in her legs that traveled to her heart. she afterwards died that night. Each type of pill has different level of hormones and will effect each woman different. Its best to talk it over next to your doctor since they know your medical history..
talk to your doctor,different pills are for different ppl and ages as well. They usually provide something with low hormone level to young-looking girls. I've never had any problems