Am i fat and short 5'6 112 pounds 14 years old

Answers:    NO! Your not fat at all. I'm 5'2 , 13 yrs, and 120 lbs! Most of it is muscle. But i come from a family that my mom is 5'2 and my dad is maybe anywhere from 5'5-5'7.Plus, on my mom's side she's the oldest child of 4. and she's the shortest! So they're always my 50/50 chance of at least growing to 5'6! ( I'm the little Asian girl lol).
Definitely not. I'm 5'0, weigh as much as you do if not a little more, and I'm sixteen. Your BMI is 18.1. That puts you at just underweight. Of course, if you haven't really begun puberty yet (still have narrow hips and relatively flat chest), you're probably at an all-right weight. But you're definitely NOT short or fat. you are actually underweight... your BMI is 18.1 and you are not short at all i am 5'2'' and WOW that's short hahaha

BMI Categories
Underweight: Less than 18.5
Normal weight: 18.5 - 24.9
Overweight: 25 - 29.9
Very Overweight: Over 30
are you kidding me?
your exactly perfect
omg that just pissed me off
stop having body issues please
its to much to worry about
honestly, i would kill to weigh that much and be that tall
you have nothing to worry about ok.
Don't be silly. You are thin. If you think that you are fat, please talk to a doctor or counselor, because you seem to have some skewed vision of your body. absolutely not. i'm 5'7 and 130 and i'm no where near being over weight..
no ur not i am though i am about 5'2 or 5'3 somthing like that more than 200 pounds and 12 years old your normal..
nooo not at all.

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