Who is responsible for bringing the contraception: the man or the woman?

Answers:    The person next to the car to drive to the drug store.
Both, be prepared. both...but the girl should be more in charge if she doesnt want to get pregnant
whichever of you doesn't want a kid or diseases Both...just engender sure it is not neither.
You are.It isn't a man-woman thing. It is a responsible entity you would do for yourself. If the man brings it, he is showing respect for the woman.
Both. I carry condoms contained by an empty floss armour in my purse adjectives the time. I'm engaged, but we've used the emergency stash more than once. :) Just sort sure a guy doesn't carry them within his wallet! His body heat destroys the latex. both should be! not a soul wants to train up with an STD or unplanned pregnancy!
Be smart! Don't count on someone else in recent times in satchel you are shagging dumbass. i would never depend on someone else bringing protection. A lot of males think its a dutiful idea to preserve condoms in a wallet...consider not. The friction and heat of the condom and the wallet weaken the condom and could cause a breakage. It would other be best if you are planning on something or think something would evolve to be prepared, always look out for yourself
don't trust any one be undisruptive, bring it Both equally responsible!

Mind you, when I started being intimate beside my boyf (now hubby) I said for him to make sure he have condoms. But to be fair to me, I be already taking the pill. So, why shouldn't he be the one to get the condoms?

As we adjectives know, neither method is 100% against pregnancy, and the Pill does nothing against STDs. Better undamaging than sorry. :)
The man should but if she knows she wishes some than she should come prepared just surrounded by case. It is the woman's body. She will claim this to be true when claiming the right to hold sex and to have an abortion or to fetch a child to term. Since she is claiming adjectives rights to her body, then it is her responsibility what she does near it, too. If she knows that by drinking she'll catch drunk, then she is responsible for getting drunk if she drinks. If she know that by eating profoundly she'll get flab, then she is the one responsible for getting overweight if she eats plentifully. If she allows some guy to have sex beside her, then she is responsible for the consequences resulting from this, basically as she is responsible for anything else she chooses to put in her body. To claim otherwise is irresponsible of her. When she wishes to give some of the rights to what happen to her body to the guy, then he can share some of the responsibility.

BTW They enjoy made female condoms for years immediately, so she can insert one inside of her if she doesn't like other contraceptives.

Do you blame the bartender for getting you drunk, or the baker for getting you margarine? If you do then you don't know how to pinch responsibility for your own actions. So you shouldn't be blaming the guy for getting you pregnant or giving you an STD.
I believe they are equally responsible.
peace Both...The Guy have to make the sperm and the Woman have to concieve.
the woman should have birth control methods sorted if she doesn't want to bring pregnant. it's her body, her responsibility.

that said, I also believe the guy unless he wants to be a father should enjoy condoms on hand at adjectives times and use them. so he should also take responsibility.

contained by long-term relationships then they can resolve together eg vasectomy, pill
Both are equally responsible. the woman has the most to lose for not bringing it...
Does the man want sex? If so, buying condoms is the markedly least he can do.

Men sure own it easy presently. Not only can they attain sex from girls without taking them on one date or buying them so much as a Coke, they even perceive entitled to quibble in the order of who should pay for the contraception.

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