Can anyone narrate me if it is an fault to urinate surrounded by public, and is here a fine that go next to it.?

Answers:    It depends on where you are (i.e., country) and circumstances. Peeing surrounded by a bush in the middle of the hours of darkness in a deserted park isn't going to receive you in as much trouble as taking a squat on the sidewalk within the middle of the daytime.

And it is not only a fine-able offense but also a jail-able offense within Thailand.

In the US, at the very smallest, you might get hit for public indecency, public urination (yes here IS a penal code for this act), and maybe some other stuff the cop could tack on (and believe me, they DO check for arrest warrant, unpaid parking tickets and the like when something stupid comes up).
Yes I have a sneaking suspicion that it is. Not 100% sure tho. I don't know about that, but why would anyone WANT to urinate surrounded by public?

At least step behind a saloon or something!
It used to be when it was British. It is considered wrong, because i.e. what the majority of people reason. It's looked at as being improper.
In the UK it is only officially recognized to pee in a police officer's headdress if your pregnant other than that I dont know x Yes it's wrong, and I think it's a lb50 fine.

Unless you are a London Hackey Cab driver, within which case you are allowed to pee against the reverse wheel of your hackney cab.
Big offense...Big fine...Not quite sure how much, but it's probably classified as indecent exposure. Yes it is obscene. It does transport a fine I am not sure whether it is statutory or not.
yes it is an offence...
Technically if you say aloud at the top of your voice,
"I am urinating, I am urinating" whilst you are doing it then technically rightfully it is allowed.
I can't remember why exactly though...its something to do with man offensive to other ancestors or something but if u warn them its ok...I can't remember exactly.
1. Indecent exposure
2. If you are too close to a river etc

Unless you are pregnant afterwards you can wee in a police man hat!!
Yes it is an offense, and I believe they just put on alert you, not give you a fine. Yes it is my brothers friend get in trouble for doing it
It is forbidden, because it's considered indecent exposure. Depending on the officer that catches you will desire if he cites you or not. It can be a fine. It depends if it is on your property or someone elses. If it's yours but you do it where everyone can see you afterwards you might get fine and charged beside indehiscent exposure.
Yes it is illegal, yes within is a fine and yes it is a disgusting thing to do yeah.. if your caught
It is totally alright to rob a whiz anywhere you want to. I do it all the time. If your not sure in the order of the law, only let a cop see you do it! Yes, it is disagreeable and rude. But it also depends on the situation. If you're on the side of a road where at hand are very few cars and you can not quite be see, it's not as big of a deal as if you're say aloud on a bus and pee on the guy sitting next to you.

There are particularly fines associated with it. You any have to verbs your penis out or drop your shorts or something if your a girl and you're exposing yourself. You could get fined, ticket, and arrested for it. Public indecency.
i enjoy seen peolpe do this escially in the neighbourhood my house partner spent night surrounded by nick after getting caught short on a guys hours of darkness out
late at dark urinated outside at side of night club
copper nab him mid flow
yes it is unless you are a pregnant woman! As far as I remember in public it is unofficial in public, one and only exception used to be a lorry driver then he could step next to flipside nearside wheel.
It's a ticketing offense contained by New York City. Same as a parking ticket. You pay a fine.

I don't know the amount of the fine for public urination, but concluding I checked, a parking ticket cost $110, and doubled if it wasn't paid in ten days.
No it's fine. As long as you're weeing on your friend whilst old men see. yes it illegal. it comes lower than indecent ex poseur.
its an offence call "urinating the gutter" you can be fined and forced to clean up after yourself if caught. If you are int eh UK afterwards yes it is, indeed it is in other countries too, and yes in that is a potential fixed penalty attahced to the misdeed or they could harge you with some other minor public directive offence - best find a loo.
If a man urinates in a public place it is an misdemeanour with one exception, if the man concerned call out in agony, in stomach-ache then you are not creating an wrong.

If you are cab driver you can urinate against the reverse wheel of a hackney carriage. It is probably not an offence for a woman to pee contained by public as a lot of these type of law were made within Victorian times times and rather than disrespect Queen Victoria when she would have to sign the proclamation for these law to go through Parliament

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