Lower Abdominal agony, what could it be??

I noticed this afternoon, when i strecth, my lower belly has a sharp cramp, kind of close to a cramp. i don't know what it could be. i've never had sex, i'm not due for my length for another 2 weeks. i don't know what else it could be. i don't drink as much water as i used to everyday, could that be a factor?? what else could this be??

Answers:    It could be that you are dry. But it could also be more serious. What side is it on? When you push on it and release does it hurt? It could be apendicitus

If it continues or you start to throw up, you need to wish medical attention.
kidney stone? if so you should really get it checked out past it gets worse they hurt close to hell! No offense, but recent weight gain may be a factor. Another factor may be a latest food you might have eat causing indigestion. Or if it is lower surrounded by the middle (suprapubic) it may be a bladder infection.
You could be dehydrated or it could be a kidney stone, but most predictable it's a pulled muscle. It's quite straightforward to tweak abdominal muscles by doing everyday activities. If the dull pain isn't intensely sharp, as in it make you catch your breath and/or cry, after I'd just thieve it easy for a couple of days and see if it go away on its own. It probably will. If it get worse, or if you hold a fever, get the impression dizzy, lightheaded, can't stand up straight, or can't eat or drink (throw up *or* find you can't swallow) stir to the doctor right away. its probably just cramps. i return with mine 1-2 weeks before my extent sometimes too.
Lower abdominal pain that can be sort of KIDNEY DISEASES.
In my own studies, some lenient who go something this genus of problem some doctors press the lower abdomen nouns, the doctor will ask if it hurts or not, but if the the patient answer it yes hurts at hand something wrong on your kidney area.
If you doubt walk to a NEPHROLOGIST is a kidney doctor specialist, or have some lab check such us urinalysis
adominal pain could result within the kidney, which could b kidney stones or a bad kidney if u drink.Also if u discern that ur
periods are irregular this could be ovary syndrome close to i have thats when ur ovaries produce cyst.This could be cured if u entrap it early satisfactory hopefully u found out before i .U could filch diabetic meds gluiclose or birthcontrol which these will only shrink the cyst.U could also enjoy a bladder problem so if i was u i would stir to the doctor with these consernes.

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