Sex Emergency?

I had sex two night ago, yesterday I was somewhat sore of course, but today, on the second hours of daylight after, I have be constantly having to travel to the bathroom, my urine comes out a little bloody, but worst of adjectives is I can't actually pee fully. I will start to step, then it will start to burn and I can't walk anymore, but the second I stand-up it feels similar to I have to progress again. Is this normal? What is going on? What can I do to stop it because I can't save getting up to go to the bathroom, five times every hour, I get a life ya know. HELP!

Answers:    You hold a urinary tract infection occurs when germs and other infectious organisms invade the urethra, bladder, ureters, or kidneys. An infection in any subdivision of the urinary tract can cause a frequent and urgent requirement to urinate, burning or painful urination, and blood surrounded by the urine. Just drink LOTS of Cranberry juice and wet. Go to a drug store and buy Uristat (this will turn your urin an orange color so dont worry) If it dont clear up surrounded by a few days then walk see your Doctor. I have have many of these.
Sounds close to a bladder infection.

Go to the doctor.
sounds like you enjoy a bladder infection. You need to see a doctor it sounds resembling you have a UTI..
you can acquire this from sex..
just shift see a doctor, it's nothing big, so don't freak out roughly it.
Sounds like a bladder infection. Go to the doctor to be sure. Don't lurk too terribly long on this. The infection could find into your kidneys.
Good Luck and God Bless! sounds like he tore you break open...and you could have an infection so if it persist you NEED a doctor
That is either a blader infection or an STD.

Go see a doctor NOW!!

But until you can be in motion start drinking as much cranberry juice as possible!
The blood surrounded by your urine and the burning sensation is not normal. You any have a bladder infection or std. Kinda sounds approaching chlamydia, which is an std that causes abdominal affliction, burning on urination, painful intercourse, and vaginal discharge or bleeding, but logically I'm not a dr. and I can't assure you of that. I advice you to see your gyno or medical dr. ASAP. I knwo simply how you feel , this have happened to me a few times . Sounds approaching a urinary track infection or a bladder infection . There are new test you can by at a local drug store . They work like a pregnancy exam you pee on the stick and a colored line will appear you look at the chart and it will agree to you know what is going on down there ! They are pretty accurate and cheaper and more comfortable than going to the doctors . If it is infact a uti or bladder infection you call for to drink lots and lots of water , tea and / or cranberry liquid . Good luck and remember after sex you should always verbs up real powerfully !
It sounds like a urinary tract infection. They can be cause by a number of things, including sexual intercourse. If you hold blood in your urine, you want to go to the doctor for antibiotics up to that time it gets worse--believe me, if you bring a kidney infection from this you will feel MUCH MUCH worse. To aid prevent UTI's try peeing both before and after sex for the best results, or at smallest try to pee after sex to flush out anything that has be forced into your urethra. Cranberry juice or pills and uristat usually minister to the symptoms but may not fix the problem, you usually need antibiotics for that. this is zilch serious your body has get hest drink 7 yo 8 litres of water a morning i dont know in english but talim we use to vote it as vendhayam take a moment or two of it swallow it with river or drink more tender coconut it will be enough

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