Depo majority or something more (TMI)?

my friend has be on the depo for a month the whole time she have been bleeding. some buoyant some heavy. she is worried cuz she is ratification clots without bleeding sometimes. the clots are similar to peices of liver that are purple, white and grey. some have similar to watery mucus surrounded by them. she also has impossible cramping that make her want to drop to the floor and completely dizzy. she is worried something more is wrong but when she called her doctor she be told not to worry it's a regular for being on the depo. have anyone had this evolve or should she go to a different doctor.

Answers:    it vary from woman to woman everyone is different.
and just a bit of info i dont recommend the depo because studies hold found that it increases the chance of osteopurosis(spelling) and i get pregnant on the depo
This does happen beside some women on Depo. It's not a drug that will work well for every woman. If she's really super concerned, she could be in motion get a second judgment but honestly, Depo is the most likely culprit for these problems. If it doesn't clear up by the time she's due for her subsequent shot, then she should particularly go support to her doctor.

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