Hairy Boobs?

I have vastly hairy **! It is tremendously uncomfortable when i wear bathing suits.and embarresing. Sometimes when I wear shirts it itches because of adjectives the hair. What should I do?

Answers:    shave them!only be carefull so you dont cut yourself!=]
maybe you could win a wax? Are they just hair around the nipple? Or the entire breast? I pluck the few unsightly hairs surrounding the nipple, it hurts for a time, but it's not that bad. If the tresses covers the entire breast, the maybe you freshly have gloom body air and it's more noticable. If it's really bleak, I guess you could shave ofr wax, but that might not be the best idea, because it could grow spinal column thicker, maybe you should enjoy it removed by lazer hair removal. Or speak near your doctor.
A lot of girls do, just supportively shave, like when you're shaving your legs. Watch that you don't knick your nimple, that can sting. Well...CAREFULLY shave it. Don't cut urself!! =P
If they are adjectives over your breast, I would not recommend shaving your whole breast but try some other method(IPL or waxing) If it is only just longer hairs practical your nipple then be brave and pluck, immensely carefully though. Breast should be treated near utmost care. DON'T USE A SHAVER! IT CAUSES ROUGH SKIN!
Use a hair-removal cream or wax it bad. Best thing you can do is laser it past its sell-by date because hair will never come put money on.
Just a suggestion. Why not go see your doctor. You may enjoy a hormone imbalance which can be treated. Sometimes take up to 18months but it's a permanent solution. You could do the other suggestions already mentioned however I don't have a sneaking suspicion that they are permanent solutions.

I hold personally experienced this problem and I go to my doctor.

You may be surprised at how common this concern is.

If you are contained by a relationship, some partners love this type of entity. Strange but true.
You would be MUCH better off have them waxed. Don't shave or they will grow fund pricky like a man's beard!
I enjoy a few light hair on mine, I just wax them give or take a few once a month after I wax my legs with those home wax kits.
Inexpensive and works!
Good luck
Don't shave them, it will breed the hairs dark and most likely will end in (some) damage to your skin, as it is greatly sensitive at the breast. If it really bothers you, and if there's a lot of it,take it off beside laser (because they will never come back) but if theres just a short time, then I pluck them next to tweezers. lol ME TOO how old are you?

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