Sex...condoms and the pill?

So i've been next to my boyfriend for just beneath 2 weeks, it may seem a jiffy but we are both mature and know that we would close to to start having sex. We are both 17 years out-of-date. I was planning on merely using a condom the first time as i am not already using any other contraceptive. But this really worries me; what if the condom breaks? I'd have to boots and acquire the morning after pill, which i would hate. Im not against abortion, so within the small chance that i might procure pregnant i wouldn't hesitate surrounded by getting rid of it, for everyones sake.
And what do i tell my parents? I scrounging if we do start having regular sex, which i'm sure we will after we own done it for the first time, i would like to step on the pill. But i would feel really embarassed give or take a few talking to my mum something like it, eventhough i'm 17 and it is legal.I really call for advice on what to do, I know i want to hold sex with him...but how should i jump about the parental and contraceptibe segment?

Advice would be really appreciated. Thanks

Answers:    Just make sure your boyfriend uses plenty of lubrication and get the right size condom and you should be fine.
As far as getting on the pill. If you are not comfortable telling your mom the valid reason you want to carry on the pill, just articulate that you are having extraordinarily heavy cramps and your length is irregular.
A-you should stop thinking its o.k to kill babies.
B-dont be embarrased. shes your mother. she know alot If you hold all these doubts I don't reflect on you're mature plenty to have sex. Think roughly speaking it well and if you believe you are ready use both, if one method fail you can always rely on the other.
You don't read out what it is that you'd hate roughly the pill. There are studies showing that today's pills don't cause shipment gain. Tell your parents that you want to see a doctor about a personal problem. When you and your doc are alone surrounded by the room, ask about what kind of birth control would be right for you. It is your doctor's job to be discreet. Barring that, you could run to a Planned Parenthood clinic. Some of them charge for birth control and some do not, but all of them hold information.

Do you want to talk almost this with your parents? Well, at hand are a few ways that you can start a conversation without making them reflect on that you're talking roughly speaking yourself. Start with, "Mom, may I ask you a personal cross-examine?" Then ask, "Do you use any birth control, Mom?" "How old be you when you started having sex, really?" "When you be in illustrious school, did you know anyone who get pregnant?"

If you've only prearranged this young man two weeks, after I doubt you know him well ample for sex. If the two of you really are as mature as you say aloud, then you can stand to receive to know each other for a few more months. ...That doesn't anticipate that you can't do anything physical together in the meantime.

Even if you do step on hormonal birth control, make your boyfriend wear a condom every time so that neither of you procure a disease. Even if the condom does break, you're both still safer than if you hadn't used it at all because smaller quantity fluid is exchanged. Never wear two condoms at once; they can wear holes in respectively other.

Even if you're okay with abortion ethically, it is a troublesome and expensive passageway to end a pregnancy. You don't want to do that unless you hold to. Go to the store and buy a Plan B pill. Keep it stored somewhere just contained by case.
The singular way to be 100% sure you don't draw from pregnant, don't have sex, you don't know this guy economically enough any.
There are other side effects, other than pregnancy...
STD's hysterical trauma. . . ect.

If your going to have sex, you hold to realize that you will have the consequences...

anyways, if you can't natter openly around it, you shouldn't do it.

Tell your parents.

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