Sex relieve please?

ok if i can have sex next to my period, how can i formulate it appear that i dont have my spell so the guy isnt totally grossed out

Answers:    You can't. Just tell him. Some guys don't effort. Have a towel handy.
You can't um u cant. just give somebody a lift a oregnacy pill so ur period last just 2-3 days. its impossible for him not to knoe
you cant cover up it, just dont enjoy sex when your on, unless the guy is into surfing the red wave ;) hope i help Some guys are into that, its called"earning your redwings"0_o
Just don't enjoy sex and you won't have to verbs about it, or lots other things like pregnancy and STD's.
P.s:: You can't do much around it anywayz. well that guy shouldnt be grossed out after adjectives every gal has a length if he that grossed out then plan simple dont do it during ur spell
You cant, but honestly most men dont mind. uhh it dependds if its really bad.and you can enjoy sex while on ur period. conceivably have sex surrounded by the dark.
if hes grossed out later its not meant to be.
its love your suppose to engender!
Er... I don't think within is a fail-safe way to do this. You could maintain a tampon in but I focus this would be painful as it hit against your cervix, and he would know how to feel it, and it would be unhealthy. If the man doesn't like the verbs of blood on his d*ck, don't do it! You cant, but from a guys pro its wrong eewwwww.
If you're close enough near him to have sex surrounded by the first place, you should be close enough to put in the picture him that you have your spell. If he isn't comfortable with have sex while you're menstruating, don't be offended - various men (and women) aren't comfortable with one intimate during menstruation.

Don't try to deceive him.

If he already know that you have your time of year and is willing to be intimate, and you newly want to make it smaller quantity messy, then I craving you luck! Keep the lights off and remove the condom for him so that he won't see it. Some women own sex while wearing the Diva cup, but I haven't tried this.

Edit: Please don't have sex beside a tampon in! It may catch pushed up too far and then be difficult to remove.
If you own a period there's not really any means of access that you can hide it. You can enjoy sex with a time but obv it'll bbe messy and safe sex totally applies as hiv, hep etc are most slickly transferred through blood. The only point you can do is talk to your bf more or less it and see what his feelins are. It is possible to wear a menstrual cup during sex.

For more information:

However, nothing is fool proof and you could own an embarrassing catastrophe. You may be surprised but not all guys are grossed out. My fiance is not and never be. However, not all guys are as assured going. Maybe you should talk to the guy formerly hand.
mop up just formerly, but you can't really hide it. it smells different too. he's any ok with it or not. I am not sure why you would not tolerate your partner know. Having sexual relations while on your period will not damage your partner, but could lead to STD's one transmitted faster, yeast infections, and/or uncomfortable sensations during and after.

Your partner have a right to know this. If you are mature satisfactory to have sex, you are season enough to communicate next to your partner, and let him resolve if he wants too.

It sounds to me you want to, "trick" him into sex when you want it, and regardless of his emotional state.

If you need to ask this cross-examine, you should tell him.

You cant put away it, unless you are really clever.

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