Breakthrough bleeding for 4 weeks?
Answers: I lately went through this myself. Was on the depo shot and bleed for 3 months go on the pill and then bled for 4 weeks, what I contracted to do was to come stale of everything for the next 3 months. I do not know your situation but you may want to come sour of everything and give your body sometime to adjust. Otherwise, I would hang about it out for a few months. It can take up to 3 months for you body to adjust. Hope I help.
Good Luck
I suggest you go vertebrae to the doctor. Go back to the doc and research other scheme of contraception. There are many different methods of contraception. Answering this Q as an ex of mine have the same problem. Ironically it took a yr for her to find a pill that worked & it be the one she only tried first for 3mths. & gratitude to Karma she never really had a term with the pill! (It be hell & yes as a man I didn't really understand what she go through) but cut the BS what I am saying is within is always an answer & I'm sure your find it & be laughing close to she is now.
You necessitate to go pay for to the doctor! The same thing happend to my aunt and she have to get some special pill to stop the bleeding because she lost too much blood, she be even feeling lightheaded after a while! Don't dawdle, just GO! i would budge back to the doctor asap to conversion it