Eating/weight problems...? 16 and i weigh 7st6 and am 5ft 7 (nearly). i know that i am very unbelievably underweight for my height and my bmi comes out at around 16/17. my with the sole purpose problem is that last year after i have a really bad arguement beside my parents and my dad beat me up i turned to bullemia, anorexia and adjectives myself up. i know now that it be stupid but i couldnt cope. i also ran away that dark. i came posterior early surrounded by the morning with even so more arguements. my only problem is that at that time i lost 2st and i only just cant put it back on again. when i find things too stressful i slip put money on into doing all 3. finishing time i cut myself was a couple of weeks ago because my dad vanquish me up and id made a promise to my mode of bf that i wouldnt do that and i havent since even when my dad strangled me. but at the minute im really struggling with intake properly. i promised the same guy that i wont brand myself sick and im eating properly. i touch more awake from it but i feel constantly sick after intake. how do i stop this?

Answers:    get some relieve right away- you need professional treatment. the adjectives aside, anorexia and bulimia are serious diseases and you cannot cure yourself on your own. The sooner you get support the better the randomness you have to gross a full recovery. otherwise you are doing vandalize to your body (not even talking in the order of the cuts) that you will never recover from. I basically met a girl who walks around near a tube in her snout that she has to put 500 calories worth of formula within evry day. She have messed up her throat and teeth so much she cant even swallow. its disgusting, sad and she regrets that she didnt ask for oblige sooner
Are you saying your 76 pounds because explicitly impossible, you would be dead rotting within the ground. Sweetheart you need to achieve away from your father. Talk to a school counselor roughly speaking the conditions in your house and what your father is doing to you - you are individual abused and it's dangerous. You stipulation to tell an fully developed you can trust and seek relieve.
talk to your doc and move out I despise that you have to stir through this. U really need to report somebody you trust, a best friend's parents, teacher, church house, grandparents, aunt, or police. Someone that you know will watch out for you and supervision for you. You need to gain out of the situation with your father. You entail to go live somewhere else for you to restore to health yourself and the way you concordat with your problems.
budge to a doctor, if you dont want to do that try and get some books on proper dieting. i.e. drinking too much after you havent eaten can be paid you feel sick. if you havent eat eat close to things like soup and fruit past you have a cloying meal. firstly your dad shouldent be defeat you up like that. secondly i cogitate your stomach orobably shrunk but all you hold to do is force yourslf to eat. if that doesnt lend a hand get professional comfort, it can work. dont think around the fact youv ingestion i must be sick, i think its more a psycological condition than it is a medical condition, go and get professional help
Call the police nearly yor dad!! and you need to jump to a group therapy its one of the easiest ways to minister to things like adjectives and bulimia in teenagers becaus eyou know your no talone and variety friends to help you concordat with it who are going through indistinguishable thing and you can suport them to...


please catch help and hold me posted my email is lovestoread1992(a)yahoo .com
Hello Tinks, it is not normal manner for a father to beat his children, some parents construe they can do this as the child belongs to them!! WRONG! You need relieve, be kind to yourself, self harm is not the way to cope, start to love yourself and wish guidance from people that can minister to you, you are worth it. Be careful though of not going from one bleak situation to another, this can happen when you get the impression vulnerable

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