Annoying excessive discharge...?

I'm sixteen, and I've had my time for three years now. My interval is somewhat regular, and when I don't have my extent, basically since I be almost fifteen I've had excessive discharge adjectives the time, not just when I be on my period.

So, roughly ever since I was roughly fifteen and a partially I've come accustomed to just using tampons to cure the unbroken discharge problem. I know it's from my vagina. The discharge is usually just clear, and dries on the underwear white. It's of late annoying because I can't stand the wet passion. Even when I have a panty-liner on. Tampons customarily cure this, but it's annoying because I'm using the light tampons everyday.

Any suggestions as to what have caused this?
I'm sexually involved, and I have be since I was fifteen, but roughly five months AFTER this adjectives discharge thing started to obtain annoying. So, I'm pretty positive it's not an STI or anything, and I'm just wondering what can cure this, or what's cause it?

Answers:    Yes, it's normal.

Once you start puberty a white and/or clear discharge is usual. The vagina is self-cleaning. This same discharge increases the closer you get to ovulation and when you are sexually aroused. Trust me, you never want it to progress away. Wear pantyliners. Some girls do produce an excess, usually due to hormones. Most doctors won't do much about it.

Different Types of Discharge:

White: Thick, white discharge is adjectives at the beginning and train of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, gelatinous white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating.

Clear and liquid: This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be specifically heavy after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if gelatinous or clumpy like cottage cheese or have a foul odor.

Brown: May happen right after period, and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.
I dont deem its a good notion to wear a tampon when you're not on your period. Tampons hold been related to toxic shock syndrom.. you also risk causing an infection too.. your system requests to "drain" and cleanse itself.. it cant do that if you have a tampon up in attendance all the time!

This is usual. Its just vaginal discharge. Part of its hormonal change.. you are only 16 and your body is still shifting and developing. Part of it may be because you are sexually active.. your body is keeping things lubricated and verbs.

Its annoying, but theres not really anything you can do to stop it. As you mature, you may do it smaller number. I woudnt wear a tampon or a pad tho unless you are on your spell.. you dont want to set yourself up for infections!

Get a lil package of babywipes to put within your purse.. you can use it to "freshen up" when you are out.
Since you are sexually active you should be seeing a gyno once a year to hold a pap smear done. Even if you dont think you hold an STI, get tested. Just to hold a baseline. I get one every year, even if i am surrounded by a committed relationship. You don't want to mess around with that because it could construct you infertile or even give you cancer.

As for wearing tampons everyday? STOP. That is not well brought-up. It says right on the box that you are not to wear them when not on the interval. Go to a gyno and if you don't want to tell your mom that you are sexually live, then lately tell her that you have a feeling you are discharging a lot and want to craft sure everything is ok. Or go to a planned fatherliness, they base the price on your income, so it shouldn't be expensive. Talk to a medical professional roughly speaking this as soon as possible.

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