Why can't you drive after hysterectomy?

I"M NOT the one that had a hysterectomy. A loved ones member did and the doctor stressed the certainty that she can't drive for 2weeks.(she's going to drive anyway she won't listen to the doc. Stubborn woman lol).

I asked my brother why and he said that you use your stomach muscles to drive. Well I don't feel my stomach muscles when I drive. Unless I turn to posterior up.

Can you explain?

Answers:    If she's not on any post-surgery medication that may impair her alertness or make her dizzy, it's probably the abdominal muscles. But when she feel the pain, she'll realize whether it's satisfactory that may put her at risk or distract her from driving.
A friend of mine a cyst removed from the ovary and she was amazed at how various movements involved the abdominal muscles that she didn't realize before. Hope this help.
she will be fine. let her drive. the contribute you annaztetics(sp?) during a hysterectomy so you would be disorianted (sp?) and you wouldn't be able to drive...sorry for adjectives the spelling errors lol
its easy to lower than estimate how much we use our abdominal muscles. They are at the center of the body, we use them when walking, and yes, even when sitting. Although she would be sitting in a stool that has a final driving still requires being competent to pivot your body and also to sway from side to side which could be painful. She will own to try it out for herself and see how soon she thinks she can bar it.

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