Does any on ponder this is wrong?

yesterday a girl posted a question asking how everyone feel about abortion, and i wrote i imagine it should be banned because its not unbiased to the baby nor women who cant hold babies. and i get a message from some girl babically recitation me that my opinion is wrong. how would you act in response? i was amazingly shocked someone wrote me and said that. PLEASE RESPOND

BUT EVEN BEFORE I WAS DIAGNOSED I THOUGHT ABORTION WAS TERRIBLE. (just making that clear so you wont think lately because i cant have kids thats because i focus its wrong. i think its murder)

Answers:    I assume abortion is terrible also, yeah it really isnt f??te to the baby or citizens who cant have children! Ignore that individuals email it wasnt a right thing to articulate taht your opinion is wrong when frankly the majority of society think it is right. stand up for what you believe contained by!
hope it helpss
I am so on your side here
Abortion is just plain murder and it's totally wrong.
Why waste a little tot? It's just sick.
Anybody else who think differently is just unnatural. Murderers
i agree that abortion is wrong but everyone is entitled to their own opinions. this go for you too. this girl shouldnt have wrote you. perchance you should write her and tell her that where on earth she has her assessment that abortion is fine that you have yours and to you it is WRONG and to depart from it at that. I don't think anybody's view is "wrong", we are all entitled to deduce what we want! It was ever so rude of her to email you like that.
Your assessment that it's wrong is completely valid. But it's a stickier ethical question to voice it should be banned.

You own to understand that this is a controversial topic that's remarkably personal to a lot of population, and you bring up a question close to that, well, it a moment ago invites argument. So, you shouldn't be surprised someone PM'd you about it.

For the transcript, I think an abortion must be a sickening thing to step through, and I wish at hand were none ever done ever again. I do disagree beside you about outlawing it, though. I think sex rearing and cheap accessible birth control would be the better way to do it. Attack the constraint side instead of the supply side.
i reckon it depends on how old da girl is if shes below age then i regard she shud have one
but if shes ove 16 i give attention to its up to her but i do think its grief-stricken when people over 16 hav abortions and some cant own babies they shud get it adopt
i think ur outlook is perfectly fine, every1 have their own opinions, i dont devise this other girl shud have responded contained by this way, rise above it!
Well you are entitled to your judgment..just as that entity is...I don't know why they had to write to you...if you considered necessary to respond..I would've just told them that you are in recent times as much entitlted to your opinion as they are to theirs.this is not Yahoo everyone share me your answers only if you agree near me.. Personally, I'm for it. There's far much other things of concern happening contained by this world. It's all below the matter of choice. I could see your concern, considering that you're incompetent to have children, but that's your nouns of life and feelings -- not someone else's. Abortion is just one of those things we must become acquire to and except - it's a choice, a freedom - just something we can't rob nation of. Granted, I'm not saying it's the best ruling in the world, women compensate for their decision, I assure you that.

I don't read between the lines peoples ranting of it though. You're just mere little populace in this world, your evaluation does no good.

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