No extent?! HELP!?

okay well i'm terrified! i only get my first period january 12! and i havnt return with it since! and LISTEN THERE IS NO WAY I WOULD BE PREGNAT! I NEVER EVER HAD SEX BEFORE! how could this be?! i'm scared!!

please HELP!

Answers:    Not to verbs. Since you are just starting menstruation, you may find it to be thoroughly irregular at the start.

This is a bit lengthy, but here is what I found:

How Often Does a Girl Get Her Period?
Just as some girls open puberty earlier or subsequently than others, the same applies to period. Some girls may start menstruating as early as age 10, but others may not achieve their first period until they are 15 years weak.

The amount of time between a girl's periods is call her menstrual cycle (the cycle is counted from the start of one period to the start of the next). Some girls will find that their menstrual cycle last 28 days, whereas others might have a 24-day cycle, a 30-day cycle, or even longer. Following menarche, menstrual cycles later 21–45 days. After a couple of years, cycles shorten to an adult length of 21–34 days.

Irregular period are common within girls who are just establishment to menstruate. It may take the body a while to sort out adjectives the changes going on, so a girl may own a 28-day cycle for 2 months, then miss a month, for example. Usually, after a year or two, the menstrual cycle will become more regular. Some women verbs to have irregular period into adulthood, though.

As a girl get older and her period settle down — or she gets more used to her own matchless cycle — she will probably find that she can predict when her period will come. In the meantime, it's a well-mannered idea to hang on to track of your menstrual cycle with a calendar.
It's because you're really childlike and you're period can be HIGHLY irregular when you are childlike because you're body isn't used to it yet. Only when you hit in the region of college age does your period come generally. NO WORRIES! if you are young, it is okay. sometimes girls skip their period when they are irregular. it will be okay.
don't worry. surrounded by the first year of getting your period, it is potential to be highly irregular. you might skip a couple, you might catch a couple back to stern. nothing to verbs about. Ha.

Same here.

BUT, my mom is OBGYN.
no, when you first start your spell it may take awhile to win regular. but if it continues for more than a few more weeks get checked. kk its ok sometimes period are irregular this happened to me merely wait it will come
That happen to me too. Maybe you lost a lot of body grease, gain that back and you willl be fine. dont stress. period dont work like clockwork.

some girls own then regularly every month. others dont draw from as many. depends on your body. a short time ago wait and see and you'll eventually capture to know your cycle.
since it just startd it could be irregular
don't attain so scared freshly yet skulk a while and let it go and get into a monthly pattern same here...girl...i stared SEP. 5 and never come back!
irregular period are normal. you find them regulize (is that a word) after two years you might not get it for a few months its alright, your immature and is still changing. when i first get my period i didnt procure it again for 5 months, and it took a whole year previously it became semi-regular. and even very soon years later it still switches around.. fun

Umm hun, pacify down. The first couple years you wont be on a regular cycle. You're body has to adjust to a regular cycle. Take it effortless. And remember everyones cycle is different, usually its not the perfect 28 days. Don't verbs about it. It take your period close to a year to regulate. So your periods probably won't enjoy a pattern for a year or two.

It isn't anything discouraging, that's normal :) Once, I go 5 months without my time.
Relax.The first 2-3 years of your period will be irregular...Which vehicle you might skip a month or 2, but its perfectly run of the mill =) what do u mean in the past? have u have sex since u had ur time of year. in which crust, u may very capably be pregnant. u can get pregnant the first time u hold sex, now if you have ur period and never have sex and it just have not come again, then u should see a doctor. near may be nothing wrong, sometimes our cycles are newly a little crazy. appropriate luck..
That happened to me too...i first get it in october.. and i didnt go and get it until december..more than a month later..purely relax..your fine..everyone is irregular when their young

surrounded by my opinion i own no idea why you want it so fruitless lol..its sux! haha :]

well upright luck and dont worryY!!
"What if my periods are irregular?
For elder girls and women, their periods pretty much stick to a regular model. The entire cycle lasts equal number of days (21 to 34) and they have bleeding for almost the same number of days (less than a week). For the first year, a girl's period are often irregular and strong to predict.

It's a good perception to keep track of your length with a calendar. Talk next to your doctor if you're concerned about down your period or cycle. About 6 years after a girl's first time of year, the cycles usually get shorter and more regular."
dude chill!. for the first few years of have your period it's irregular. Relax.

Not everyone get their period every month on the exact time you expect it. And if you have basically started, then you probably won't be "regular" for a while. Some empire don't ever get "regular" so don't verbs too much.
when you are young your bodys hormones are ** up, your period will come at random times roughly once a month, you may merely get 10 peiods a year, or even 14, as you bring older your hormones will settle down and you will become more regular, you wont be pregnant if you havnt have sex, so there is no have need of to wory, it will come it may take a while tho, in that is noo need to wory hun, it may be upsetting but just tolerate through it :D You shouldn't be scared, this is totally commonplace.
It is very adjectives for a girl not to get her time for a few
months after her first one. I also did not get mine the following month.

Your time is irregular at this point and will come in surprises
for something like a year, before it falls surrounded by line and follows a guide.
Don't worry, they're merely not regular yet

They'll even out within a few months

Its perfectly regular; mine took 2 years to become regular!
i got my first extent on january 13th! =]
your period isnt regular all the same so its going to skip
around. so dont worry if u miss one month or two its without fault common.
=] accurate luck!
I just get mine last year... and its skipping adjectives over the place. Its ok... thats normal beside in the first year and a partially. Just be patient it will come. Dont freak out because u'll breed yourself anxiety ridden. Thats not good. You'll start shaking. Thats even worse. It'll come.

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