Isnt this right or enjoy i hear path method wrong...?
but dont you enjoy to be on your period to catch pregnant?
thats wat i was told..
im confused.
please sustain..
Answers: No. You can get pregnant whether or not you are on your spell. It doesn't matter. Use protection other.
Actually pregnancy can occur at anytime after ovulation. Ovulation usually occur midway between one period and the subsequent but not always. You seriously involve some health tuition. It is possible to get pregnant anytime. You should other use contraception if you don't want to be pregnant!
Yes, you can get pregnant on your term. Some girls/women assume, because you're on your period, that you can't procure pregnant because your body if flushing out the unfertilized egg. But as long as that egg is still in within, you can get pregnant. If you don't want to return with pregnant, use a condom. It wouldn't hurt to use a condom along with another contraceptive. don't own sex when your on your period, that will procure very messy. women ovulate give or take a few 14 days after their period. some women can touch it some can't. it when the egg drops into the phalopian tube and descends into the uterus to be fertilized to make a child. thats usually the highest risk time for someone to attain pregnant. you could get pregnant truely anytime. How do you meditate surprise babies happen. lol. I don't assume very masses women want to have sex when they are on their spell, so i doubt it happens that much.