Ok, I'm have some serious problems...can I catch some REAL assistance?
Answers: was it a steel wool industrial scrub brush?
Ouch! There hold got to be better things to put within there! Maybe try the soak and if it doesn't help out and you're really in desperate shape then be in motion to the ER. um..inside or outside. Not being a smart..any.
If it's outside you should be ok. If it's inside..you've very probable torn, at least severly irritated the bin liner.
My advice is..take it looked at by a Doc.
You should probably see a doctor just to be sure... especially if she used it on the inside. If you soaked it might be okay but you won't know how to see what kind of scarring or pull was done unless checked by a doctor or nurse. For adjectives reference, never do anything you wouldn't want to hold to explain to a paramedic. Try some over the counter hydrocortisone ointment, but single on the outside, don't use it in the vagina, don't use one beside antibiotic in it...i.e. neosporin. If it's not helping, walk see your Dr., and coat with Vaseline until you can get hold of in, I don't expect going to the ER will help much, you'll sit for hours and hours and cease up with an titanic hospital bill. Save your $, see you Dr.