Small vagina...?

Virgin, heavy flow, but I use jr/lite tampons. The regular size hurts to walk in. however I believe maybe I should budge up to super size. Does this hurt or will I get use to the cramp?

Answers:    Your vagina is made to squeeze out a baby! It is VERY stretchy and will accommodate something MUCH bigger than a super tampon.

Definitely use a bigger size - here is nothing worse than big periods and worrying more or less leaking from a small tampon!

Try using the bigger size on the first or second sunshine of your period when they flow is strapping - it will make it easier, and manufacture sure you relax when inserting it - it makes adjectives the difference!

The difference in size is pretty minimal and the certainty that you can comfortably use smaller tampons means that near is very little fortune of you having problems next to it.

Good luck!
You just hold to relax when putting it in. If you on edge up, it'll hurt. Don't go straight for the super size, lately got one size up and see how that go. what's a tampon?
hmmm as u r young it take a while for sme girls to get used to it...i know i couldnt use tampons until ego actually have a baby as i be pretty tight...

just relax when ur using them n mayb g up to regular flw...
n consequently try out the super when u r ready...theres no rush to do anything only do it when u r ready...
also try switching brands...i know lilets is a flawless brand.
i think u have need of to use dilators. ask ur mom or ur dockter. i would say your a virgin and youthful not small vagina you see there adjectives the same size, the piece here is when your young and your first getting your perios it will hurt any channel
Every time you go up a size it's probably gonna hurt for a time putting it in. However, purely as your body adjusted the first time, it will verbs to do so. Just remember how stretchy that skin really is, at some point a baby could come out of that tiny hole. It's amazing what our bodies can do.
peace If this continues,bring up to date your mom,ask her if you can get a checkup ,and when you're within ask about birth control to regulate the flow,you're mom probably won't be up for it, if you mention birth control up front, see if you can gain the doc to recommend it.

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