17 and taking laxatives to loose weightiness? Will this work?

hello i am 17 years old and i enjoy been taking laxatives for times gone by 3 days because i want to loose about 10 pounds since prom! I weigh about 134 right in a minute and i would like to go and get down to about 122 roughly how long will this take! I own a friend that did this and she lost a lot of weightiness doing this!

Answers:    Do not take them. It will lead to you to bleed out. I am in a chief health crisis because of it. I own horrible leg cramps and I am anemic and have to travel in for infusion treatments. Not a worthy idea.
wow..thats really stupid... So so not full-bodied! If you did do this it would at least around three weeks. Just exercise and guzzle allot of protein, it makes your stomach use smaller quantity water.
no.. thats newly stupid, laxatives dont help you lose bulk.. because food is absorbed further up the intestines.. your in recent times gonna make yourself feeling thirst and cause yourself some vigour problems.. they may not show now but they will contained by the future

exercise and a athletic balanced diet will help out you lose this weight properly, if you do this correctly you will lose the bulk.. try running, cycling or buying a exercise video work out everyday.. join a gym dance swimming, but please don't use stupid food disorder methods like taking laxatives
That's a alarming idea, it's impressively bad for you to do that.
The simply way to really lose this counterweight properly, is good old-fashioned fashioned diet and excerise. wow, thats not safe at adjectives. i'm pretty sure thats the equivalent of being bulimic and throwing up adjectives your food.
you will have some medical problems within the future if you clutch pills to loose weight Dont do that! this is so sick!
There is no quick safe and sound way to lose solidity
without serious repercussions.

It's not stout what you are doing.
Embrace your body as it is, and if you
want to lose weight zilch beats regular exercise and ingestion healthy.
I enjoy tried numerous ways to loose weight..
and to do it you don't want to exercise at all...
The switch is to turn your metabolism into a raging calorie burning machine. You entail to think of your metabolism as a burning campfire; to hang on to it burning and "loosing weight" you need to attach small amounts of wood "Food" to keep the fire going. You wouldn't a short time ago throw a large tree stump contained by the fire; It would just smother it out.. Same go for your metabolism.. Eating one or two large meal a day slows your metabolism and stores food as flabby..
EAT 4-5 SMALL MEALS A DAY "I guarantee you will loose weight"
Taking laxatives is just approaching taking the Oil Pan off of your vehicle; how far do you think you can go and get driving around like that?
Firstly.your body is going to become dependent upon the laxatives surrounded by order to step to the bathroom soon. Then your really going to become constipated and the laxatives arent going to work. From first hand experience I use to be bulimic and anorexic and I get to a stage where I wasnt ingestion and I wouldnt go to the bathroom for days.I concluded up having to travel to the hospital becos my stomach was have spasms. They had to tender me an enema just so that my bowels would start moving again. I didnt lose substance!! All it got me be a digestive problem and alot of other complications.The only opening you can honestly lose weight in a hurry is the typical diet and exercise..dont be lazy or try to pinch the easy path out.just exercise and do it right and you ll see closely better and faster results.

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