Women's Health Questions and Answers

Help next to my first length?
okay so in may had my first period, i presume. i only saw a strip of blood for one day, and when i got home i put on a wipe and never saw anything else. is that normal? also, when should i get my next? will it closing longer than 1 day?...

Help next to possible UTI or kidney infection?
Has anyone had anything like this happen? My symptoms are: Strong odored urine (still a urine smell, but VERY strong) Having to urinate normally (about 3 or 4 times a night too) Pain in the lower right side of my back I enjoy a doctor's appointment scheduled for today, I just...

How do i prepare for puberty?
I need to get panty liners and pad and all that stuff i know, but are there any little surprises i should watch out for? tips? i should attain it soon, im thirteen and im getting the white milky stuff. no red yet though. im kinda worried about if im gonna have a weighty...

How do u take home ur boobs GROW surrounded by cup size?!!?
i want them to b bigger not look bigger!! n a period of time? Eating tomatoes will aid you boobies get bigger. No joke. There is absolutely nothing that you can do to transfer cup size that is healthy. You can get implant or you...

How do u trade name out near a boy?
im 14 and its kinda embarrassing, but i really want 2, will someone tell me in great detail how 2? You are too young to be making out. Don't worry it come inherently Well, first you grow up, next you meet someone and fall in love. Then you...

Im have brown discharge?
okay i had sex last month july 17th. i used protection and my boyfriend siad it didnt break. and i started my period the subsequent week. and i think i was suppose to start my period yesterday or soon but ive be having brown discharge lately. like for the last 4 or 5 days. Could i...

I'm have catastrophic spells right presently?
Alright I am having a terrible time with my spell. I keep lashing out at everyone and i feel so bad something like it that I just want to stay in my house all daytime. I was on birth control but i can't pay for it so are there any undemanding ways that...

Is in attendance anything i can do to engineer my boobs stop growing or grow slower?
i'll be 13 in september and i'm already a 36c.. i dont want to be a d when i'm older.. because i'm like the impeccable size and i'd be weird if i was skinny with similar to huge boobs lol enjoy your boobs!...

Is in attendance something wrong near my boobs?
um i posted a really long question earlier and only 2 relations replied and there wasnt an answer that i was looking for so i thought id post another request for information which was shorter [: okay, so im 13, im about 5'7, i weigh 7 and a half stone, and my...

Should I travel acquire Plan B (morning after pill) or am I overreacting?
On Aug. 10 (a Monday) I started taking birth control but it got messed up because I started the day AFTER Sunday start (didn't want to wait) and never took the first pill. I haven't missed a pill since starting though. Three days ago I lost...

Should i try Nair hackle removal?
I shave my legs which a razor but it's hard on the bikini line so i'm thinking of trying Nair or Veet? Which works best? I'm not aloud to wax and my mom doesn't know give or take a few me shaving my bikini area. I was just going to dance and buy Nair/Veet...

What color can period be?
So I woke up this morning and I had brown stuff in my underwear. I'm pretty sure this is my period...but I'm not sure! If it is, next this would be my first period. Is it normal for the blood to be brown? Will it turn red after a couple of days? Is this even...

What color is discharge supposed to be?
It's always been a whiteish/clear color but i've noticed this week have been weird like mostly clear beside some tan...i've never seen that hue before and it's mode of freaking me out...whats going on? Could be a touch of old blood mixed in with your regular discharge as the vagina is self-cleaning....

What color is discharge?
I started last year but it was brown is that good? I suggest when it comes out its clear but as it dries it comes out brown? Is that right? yeah thats okay. my lil sis has that happen to her. Source(s): sis Different Types of Discharge: White: Thick, white discharge is adjectives at...

All new women's health questions!

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  • Can we lift paracetamol in need doctor's consent during pregnancy?
  • Can removing single hasty stages of Endometriosis stop extent affliction?
  • What increases the risk of developing cervical cancer?
  • What is the termination of pregnancy before fetal viability called?
  • Have you ever face a rape pregnancy?...
  • Have you ever forgotten to wipe after...

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