Advice on coming off Contraception Injection (Depo Provera)?

I own be on the Injection for almost 9 years and conjecture that its time I come sour it and give my body a break. (I enjoy no plans to try for a little one for at most minuscule 2-3 years but Im 31)

Since the hugely first injection I own have not a single time or bleeding at any time so Ive be drastically lucky. I be a bit moody right at the start 9 years ago and used to obtain some below the skin tiny spots on my facade but as they be skin coloured it didnt bother me. The single side effect Ive have is a MASSIVE increase in appetite and Im hungry greatly of the time!

Please could anyone make a contribution me some counsel around stopping? My subsequent injection is due in going on for 2 weeks. I hold hear horror stories around 3 months constant bleeding, unacceptable acne or spots, freight gain etc etc. I be thinking more or less using condoms for a few months and getting hindmost to conventional up to that time going on the pill.

Any counsel greatly appreciated - my Doctor doesnt appear to know adjectives that much roughly coming bad it and Id advantage some opinion. Thanks


This is with the sole purpose for those experienced beside this helpful of situation?

Depo-Provera containing a hormone, progesterone, similar to what your body produces, prevents release of the egg from the ovary and cause change surrounded by cervical mucus and the bin liner of the uterus. Its value against pregnancy is 99%.
Disadvantages of the injectable contraceptive does not protect against STD's. Fertility returns 6-24 months after later injection.
Side effects are irregular period, loss of interest in sex, bloating/weight gain, headache, depression, bone mineral loss, agitation, skin rash or spotty darken of the skin, and increased body spine. Side effects ultimate until the medication is out of your system

Very embarassing cross-examine nearly after sex?

hi i be on the injection for 7 years and stopped closing year, i a short time ago did not jump vertebrae for the subsequent injection and used condoms, i have not have a interval for 7 years and they started again after 6 months or so (shock to the system), apparently at hand are links self made immediately to the injection and osteoporosis in latter natural life !

Me and my sister be wondering.?

Hi within, at later someone who have be on Depo-Provera for ages!! thought I be the solitary one. I be on it for 10 yrs, I'm 41 in a minute, and come stale it a year ago, I own be thoroughly lucky.. I in fact lost a stone surrounded by counterbalance minus really trying, my sex drive come vertebrae, I have no cumbersome period, no side affects etc, have my 1st time roughly speaking 5 months after I come bad inj. A lot of doctors in the UK wont prescribe it anymore? fruitless press etc, but I feel great on it as I suffer from tremendously discouraging PMT and Depo be a live depositor!! Only come stale close to you for a break and cos of the counterbalance problem. If you suffer from PMT consent to me know and I'll relay what I transport in a minute instead of Depo, its herbal tab not Contraceptive though.
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