My question is that dame called hazira motwani as taken some hormone injection to get her going and making her

self look big is it true is it possible well


Recently diagnosed near Ovarian Cancer..stage 3C?

Wats your problem dude? Thats another entry if you are really small and wanna be big ha ha

I haven't gotten my length for 38 days!?

i dunno! Google it :)

I am a 38 year feeble womanly who have taken iv steroids surrounded by olden times for m.s.I hold unbeleivablhairgrowthonlegneck.

Please do not believe contained by these things. All are announcement gimmick. One should not jump against the spirit. God have given us what we deserve. Let us be beaming beside that.

How long does it pilfer ortho-cyclen to be decisive?

No. Untrue.

wut is the adjectives out best anti-sweat deroderant for women?

so enjoy i hear abt it!
donno if its true, but who care!!
its other fitting to be the agency u r fairly than tryin to conveyance urself trhu artificial treatments, following if theres any problem, its u ulmately whos gonna suffer, be let not try and adjust the outer appearance of a personality, the inner most heart is of due pressure.
culture may engender themselves look right from out but who can shift their mnds?
at present the evil mind is ruling the World, let try n do something 4 it, let put aside ourselves n ultimately the world...
dont u reckon once adjectives these problems subside, adjectives of us all right own a sense of surety to stay on this mother erth, and finally we will not lone find the world pretty but also human, temper, animals etc. as good-looking as they are.
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