Nose bleeds?

I own a problem w/ my proboscis or anything. Like 2 years ago, I never get a snout bleed, second year, I've have similar to 3 antenna bleeds, and this year, I've have resembling a couple, around 8 or 9. This week, i've gotten 1 on Tuesday or Monday darkness, 2 on Thursday and Friday. I be determined I freshly blow my trunk and everything average. on Thursday, it be the most blood that go out, in that's this gooey article that come out slightly bigger than the star here(for the interesting question). All my feeler bleeds come from my right nostril, never did it come out the gone. I really involve give support to. I didn't transmit my Mom that I have 2 more nosebleeds this week.

what do I do? i'm newly 12. if ur wondering. thanks


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It could be blood pressure related but I doubt since it is merely out of one nostril. You could hold a deviated septum or some other problem near your snout. You should own your Mom lug you to a ENT (ear, nost and throat doctor) to product sure zilch is wrong.

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Please notify your mom give or take a few this. I'm not sure why this is occurring but I remember when I be give or take a few your age I have one and the same problem anf go to a specilist. Once I have my snout packed to the gunwales for the bleeding. Don't be afraid to bring up to date your mom because it seem it is getting more frequent and wishes a Drs. attention. Good luck maryfran

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there are frequent factor that can organize to a nosebleed approaching the food you put away or the upper air you breath. You should turn to the doctors to check it out and label sure everything is alright.

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try going to your doctor, I don`t know a capillary inside your muzzle get messed up.

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When I be around your age & younger, I used to find them adjectives the time & some doomed to failure ones too. My father be one and the same style when he be younger, but it's still not uncommen for him to capture them repeatedly even very soon. I unsophisticatedly outgrew my nosebleeds. I don't know what ever cause them, I assume some of it is genetic. I sometimes would get hold of them more habitually if it be dry or if I have a cold. Have your parents return with a cool mist humidifier, that help. My doctor & arts school nurse (when I be contained by order school) know I get them a great deal & in attendance be never anything wrong next to me, it be lately something that would arise.

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